Saturday, November 15, 2014

KOL Journal (11/15/2014)

New path is kinda interesting, despite it being a low writing content path. It's like being a semi-newbie, but with more experience. 

Unfortunately, I am really bad at ascending at the moment, due to being on easy mode with AOSP/BIG for a long time. Depending on what the reward is, I may or may not continue. 

It appears that the reward is what determines if I do a path more than once at the moment, though I bet that will change for the Spring path since that is probably... an avatar path or an avatar-like path. 

I bought a full set of the warbear dress armor for my whosit needs. It gives me something to farm during Halloween, anyway.

So, plans for next runs:

1) maybe some Picky runs
2) 2 BIG runs
3) HC Class Act II sauceror to get stainless steel 
4) HOA citation pad

In terms of my predictions of longevity for the game... I think it should stick around for a couple of years yet. I must speed up my plans and make sure to finish off some of the old ones as soon as possible. 

I'm still trying to catch instances in BCC to get skull capacitors. It does really make me want to make my own clan solely to have dreads instances for myself. I could just... make another multi to act as leader. The price is considerable, however. 10 million for the basement itself, 1 million per opening. But at least it would be protected from others. And no freaking people making it more than 1 kiss per area. I am thinking, that based on my Crimbo haul, I could do it. The problem is, it would take forever to roll over instances because I'd be the only one in there. I could close it prematurely and just write off the other 2 areas as loss... right? Or like I could hire people to adventure in there? That seems to get into the same problem.

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