Tuesday, May 27, 2014

KOL Journal (05/27/2014)

I'm on my second Slow and Steady run. Mostly I did it for the little reward at the end, which I guess is a little compelling as was said. I doubt they'll go for much on the mall eventually as many will do the path, but it might be useful for Crimbo, on the first or second day, depending on if the mechanic is clear. I totally forgot that world events = Hobopolis Consumables sell, so I didn't stock my store with a lot. I still had some in there, so I'm about halfway to a Smith's Tome or a couple million away from fairy-worn boots.

As for the S&S, I have huge amounts of pulls, and still have some stat gaining problems. I guess I could pull some stat stuff and the clover thing still appears to be working the same as before. Not sure about that.

I'm really bored so these longer runs are probably better for me. I can bank some bottled days for future contingency. I'd pretty much only be able to do 10 in the whole challenge season if I go as slow as I've been going. Hmm. I think I'll do... one more after this then ascend into a couple BIG runs to collect some Sea stuff.

Then after that I can finish some extra stuff.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

KOL Journal (05/15/2014)

So the Spookyraven Revamp finally arrived. Mostly it just takes longer (as usual).

The first and second floors aren't too bad, except for the gallery Louvre maze.

The third floor confused me but with forum help, I got through it.

You have three kids, giggling, chubby and weepy, and three toys, a poppet, a jack-in-the-box, and a rocking horse. Each kid likes one toy and hates another one. It appears this is different for each player.

The point is to get all three kids into the lab, where you can trap them for delivery to their mother. A non-combat will appear every 5 turns in one of the zones.

The zone rotation is thus - lab -> nursery -> storage -> lab etc.

Say the giggling ghost was in the storage room, and you used something which it hated. This would send it to the lab. In this way, you can gather all three using a combination of attracting kids using a toy they like and rotating them out of the room using a toy they don't like.

The toy will attract a ghost if it is in the previous room. Like if a ghost was in the storage room and you used a toy it liked in the lab, it would go into the lab.

Getting the non-combat in the lab after all three are there will finish the third floor.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

KOL Journal (05/13/2014)

Depending on what the next challenge path is (a.k.a. if it sounds really boring or annoyingly difficult), I might do a couple rounds of the sea to get some of the more useful equipment.

Like about five or so BIG ascensions.


Pantaloons of Hatred (SR)
Lens of Hatred (AT)
Staff of Simmering Hatred (PM)


Lens of Violence (SR)
Ass-Stompers of Violence (SC)

Alternatively - a hardcore sauceror ascension (Class Act II) because I don't have a lot of time in the next two weeks.

According to this post, I had some plans for Dreads too, but I am going to cut out everything from that except killing the UKS on hard mode since I have all the ingredients for that already. And maybe ZHA if I manage to get Splattersmash.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

KOL Journal (05/11/2014)

Two bits of news - I got a slimeling and a hobo monkey. I invested a whole bunch of adventures in Hobopolis to get enough hobo nickels and I paid 1.75 million for the slimeling. I listened to trade for a bit and coincidentally was around when someone was selling.

Mostly I'm just meat farming at the moment. I'm also selling a bunch of Hobopolis consumables I've been storing. My next goal is the fairy-worn boots for the Pair of Stomping Boots. I might be able to gather enough (approximately 15.2 million) to purchase one before Crimbo. Or if a similar familiar comes out, I could get that? I don't think the boots are extremely expensive anyway, so it's unlikely Jick will release a similarly functioning familiar.

Friday, May 02, 2014

KOL Journal (05/02/2014)

Other than Halloween, for the next two weeks until the new challenge path season, I have made a list of things to do. Not ascending yet, though.

old content:

astral mushroom great trip

tiny bottle of absinthe
9-7 turns left rogue windmill - restrooms
5-4 turns left stately pleasure dome - side tunnels
1 turn left mouldering mansion - descend

agua de vida quest

Spring Break Beach

Note: I cleared out a couple of things, but it looks like the ticket to get to the May IOTM area will be quite expensive for a long time since it costs 100 beach bucks and they're apparently a bit hard to get.

If the new challenge path is not interesting enough...

In order of preference, and all in softcore:

Zombie Slayer
Avatar of Boris
Bugbear Invasion