Monday, September 05, 2016

KOL Journal (09/05/2016)

Stuff's been boring but I'm in the Nuclear Autumn path. It's worse in terms of progression, which I suppose would make it better later when you've unlocked all the floors, but the first run is pretty... bad.

I still have to finish my last hardcore standard run before the year ends but I'll probably take an extended hiatus after that by doing oxycore runs and forgetting to log in every few days.

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Clan Floundry

Because I love to fish in games, I'm going to fish for a while instead of doing standard ascensions. I did three SC and all the HC already so I'm not too behind.

From the forums and hardcore chat:

Visit the floundry to get a fishin' pole. Adventure in fishing locations noted in the floundry. Fish drop at the end of combat (+1 trout for example) and automatically get added to your clan floundry's stock.

Base Fishing Skill with the pole is 20 (seen in Other Accomplishments).

Fishing Skill Increasers:

bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA: epic booze, size 2, level 6, beer garden, 50 turns of A Real Head for Fish (+10 Fishing Skill)

high-test fishing line: potion, sold for 2,500 meat in The General Store, 20 turns of High-Test Fishing Line (+5 Fishing Skill)
wriggling worm: potion, dropped from zombies, 100 turns of Baited Hook (+5 Fishing Skill)

fishin' hat: hat, sold for 10,000 meat in The Armory and Leggery (+5 Fishing Skill)
sonar fishfinder: off-hand, dropped in Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons (+5 Fishing Skill)
antique tacklebox: dropped in haunted storage room (+5 Fishing Skill when in Inventory)

Trout Fishing in Loathing: dropped in Haunted Library, Gives skill, Astute Angler (+10 Fishing Skill)

The drops from areas may not be affected by item drop.


back item
Mysticality +50%
Regenerate 5-10 MP per adventure
+50% Meat from Monsters
Monsters will be more attracted to you.

Mysticality +100%
Maximum MP +100
Spell Damage +50
Monsters will be less attracted to you.

Gives 8 bubblin' crude when used

Moxie +50%
+50% Pickpocket Chance
+11 Spooky Damage
+11 Stench Damage
+11 Hot Damage
+11 Cold Damage
+11 Sleaze Damage
Superhuman Resistance to All Elements (+5)

bass clarinet
1-handed horn (ranged)
Moxie +100%
Ranged Damage +50
-3 MP to use Skills
Monsters will be less attracted to you.

Gives 10 white pixels when used

fish hatchet
1-handed axe
Muscle +100%
Weapon Damage +50
+5 to Familiar Weight
Monsters will be less attracted to you.

Gives 5 bridge progress when used

Muscle +50%
+25 to Monster Level
+25% Item Drops from Monsters
Monsters will be more attracted to you.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

KOL Journal (03/08/2016)

I was totally going to go back to standard runs, but I want to be able to afford IOTMs whenever, so I'm going to meatfarm since it's so easy via either Barf Mountain or the Velvet Gold Mine in 70s Volcano. And it doesn't depend on market conditions like item farming, so that's a plus.

I'm sure the method has been detailed somewhere, but as an exercise, I'll calculate the price to set up volcano mining and my lax and lazy method.

I use this script for Mafia.

My equipment is:

  1. nurse's hat 2000
  2. high-temperature mining drill = broken high-temperature mining drill (100) + as many heat-resistant sheet metals as it takes to fix it (850 each)
  3. shark jumper 9000
  4. Misty Robe 0
  5. lava-proof pants 264
  6. Mudflap-Girl Earring  15000 (can substitute with something else giving +3 hot resistance)
  7. heat-resistant necktie 222
  8. heat-resistant gloves 244
= minimum 27680 meat if you only used one sheet metal

Prices for one-day tickets are 200K right now.

45 pieces of unsmoothed velvet * 300 = 13500. Use 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 pieces to get smooth velvet equipment. This is to get the free volcoino from the discotheque.

I'm lazy enough to not figure out what to eat and drink every day so I use the diet optimizer.

Start up cost: 41180 meat
Daily cost: 200K, minus whenever you can get a free ticket every 2-3 days, and your diet costs

My daily routine is:

1) Buy and use a one-day ticket to that 70's Volcano.
2) Run Eatdrink.ash.
3) Equip all the smooth velvet equipment and get free volcoino.
4) Check if any of the bunker quests is a turn in 3 things type to get another volcoino.
5) Equip the hot resistance and drill equipment.
6) Run minevolcano.ash and use all turns.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

KOL Journal (03/02/2016)

Haven't done a lot since January, but anyway, copied from that post:

SC standard 2016 x6 - about 4 days each, if I back to back about 20 days
Unrestricted HC PM, DB, AT - standard HC 5-6 days, so back to back, 15 days
Dice PM, DB, AT - the only time I did this was in hardcore, and that was 8 days each, 24 days
total: 2 months

Misc challenge paths:
-Bugbear Invasion
-Bees Hate You
-Way of the Surprising Fist
-Avatar of Boris
total: 1 month?

I probably won't get to these:
Oxycore x6
Bad Moon x6

Random stuff to get:

Shattering Punch - 3/day instakill
Snokebomb - 3/day banish
Shivering Monkey Technique +15% initiative
fake washboard (25% muscle gains, DA +50)
Hodgman's journal 2: Entrepreneurythmics
Cold Fang

Batfellow comic (x20) - priority
-Replica bat-oomerang
-The Jokester's pants
-The Jokester's wig
-The Jokester's gun

inflatable telegraph
-Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes
-Daisy's unclean bloomers
-Fancy Jeff's fancy pocket square
-Former Sheriff Dan's tin star
-Glenn's golden dice
-El Vibrato restraints
-Pecos Dave's sixgun
-Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun
-Clara's bell

Monday, February 15, 2016

KOL Journal (02/15/2016)

New Challenge Path is here.

so far, according to forum, looks like it's interesting mechanically. Depending on what the reward is, I'll decide whether to put brainpower to path analysis, but so far I'm just going to mess around and read the different council text and other stuff like that.

This is a western inside of KOL so that's a plus since recently I was bored with standard ascensions.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

KOL Journal (01/20/2016)

Ascension to do list

HC standard 2016 S, DB, AT
SC standard 2016 x6
Unrestricted HC PM
Unrestricted HC DB
Unrestricted HC AT
Dice PM
Dice DB
Dice AT
Bugbear Invasion
Bees Hate You
Way of the Surprising Fist
Avatar of Boris
Oxycore x6
Bad Moon x6

depends on how nice the reward is for the avatar challenge path is whether I'll keep doing the challenge path or just do it once.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

KOL Journal (01/03/2016)

It's the new year, Crimbo was uneventful and somehow caused a small amount of drama, I finished collecting the equipment from Dreadsylvania.

It looks like it's Standard for me until the new path comes out in February, I anticipate that I will finish maybe 6 HC and a couple SC. Then, as spring is an avatar path, I'll do that for a while. I still need to finish the stainless set too... so I'll be automating my ascensions for a while (other than new challenge paths, of course)