Monday, December 30, 2013

KOL Journal (12/30/2013)

OK, so the sea is done for this round. Pretty expensive to do all the buffs and stuff like that, but hopefully I can use some of that information for the next time to get it done faster. I was underlevelled for it, so that didn't help. I kept dying to the last few Colosseum fighters. Then I forgot to use crayon shavings, and then I forgot to change my weapon. That was dumb.

I'll put my strategy here so I don't forget.

Fighters 13-15 (and the earlier ones to a lesser extent)

Have ambidextrous funkslinging.
Use 2 divine noisemakers on rounds when it's loss, sweat or roller, since those are survivable and won't cause failure.
Boost muscle by using Ferrigno's.
Use the other skills and hope you get enough of the survivable ones to use the noisemakers.


buff muscle and moxie near 1000
equip a mer-kin hookspear (or something with damage like it)
remove buffs that auto-attack and use a familiar which won't attack
possibly use something that increases weapon damage

use 6-8 crayon shavings to be sure to delevel enough (the damage from Jigguwatt per round should be around 100 after this, which is survivable until he's dead)
use normal attack until dead.

I'm continuing to put teeth on my fossilized necklace with putty borrowed from a clanmate. It was about the normal expenditure for the sea, around 200K meat. I'll recover that through tatter selling (which is still about 1700-1800 meat each at the moment). And also I'll get a couple lucre, though that's a low priority goal.

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