Thursday, February 26, 2015

KOL Journal (02/26/2015)

Here's my log of day 1 for Ed.

This is my 5th run.

My Ka usage
Alternate Spleen and haunches
Liver, then stomach
Legs and More Legs
Elemental Wards x3

This log was created by the Ascension Log Visualizer 3.7.2.
The basic idea and the format of this parser have been borrowed from the AFH MafiaLog Parser by VladimirPootin and QuantumNightmare.

===Day 1===

[0] Ascension Start [0,0,0]
#> Turn [0] pulled 1 Greaves of the Murk Lord
#> Turn [0] pulled 1 Helm of the Scream Emperor
#> Turn [0] pulled 1 Gauntlets of the Blood Moon
-> Turn [0] none

I pull three parts of the gameinform dungeon items. The gauntlets are mainly for the HP boost.

[1-5] The Sleazy Back Alley [10,18,11]
#> Turn [5] pulled 3 Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
=> Level 2 (Turn 5)! (3/5/3)

Because I don't want to spend turns or meat on the shore, I pull 3 scrip to open up the island. Also, since I'm super weak I adventure in the alley for a bit.

[6-12] Hippy Camp [28,98,25]
#> Turn [11] pulled 1 warbear warscarf
=> Level 3 (Turn 8)! (5/8/4)

I pull a warscarf once my mysticality is high enough. And I adventure in the hippy camp because the stat gains are better.

[13-150] The Secret Government Laboratory [3416,8270,3432]
#> Turn [70] pulled 1 C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button
=> Level 4 (Turn 13)! (8/13/7)
=> Level 5 (Turn 18)! (12/20/13)
=> Level 6 (Turn 26)! (18/29/19)
=> Level 7 (Turn 40)! (26/40/26)
=> Level 8 (Turn 62)! (34/53/34)
=> Level 9 (Turn 91)! (43/68/43)
=> Level 10 (Turn 132)! (54/85/54)

Since by this point I have roar of the lion, I use that and thoth and seshat to Ka farm and stat gain. I use priest + purr of the feline buff to get it to level 14 as fast as possible.

[151-168] The Spooky Forest [57,205,59]
+> [156] Got mosquito larva
+> [158] Got tree-holed coin
+> [159] Got spooky sapling
+> [165] Got Spooky Temple map
+> [168] Got Spooky-Gro fertilizer
o> Drank 1 Lucky Lindy (4 adventures gained) [0,0,0]

I missed the first semi-rare while Ka farming so I decided to do all the spooky forest stuff together, since I was able to get shelter of shed by this point.

[169-172] The Dark Neck of the Woods [12,18,8]
+> [172] Got dodecagram

with shelter of shed, I blew past the friars quest

[173-177] The Dark Heart of the Woods [22,39,10]
+> [177] Got box of birthday candles
[178-185] The Dark Elbow of the Woods [49,98,43]
+> [185] Got eldritch butterknife
[186-192] Pandamonium [40,147,67]
+> [188] Got ruby W, wussiness potion

I was getting another hot wing here.

[193] The Penultimate Fantasy Airship [8,40,8]
[194-204] The Secret Government Laboratory [309,682,274]
o> Ate 1 Knob sausage chow mein (25 adventures gained) [72,0,0]
#> Turn [204] pulled 1 Knob sausage chow mein

I forget why I was here. I think I was farming Ka again to buy other upgrades.

[205-229] The Penultimate Fantasy Airship [209,564,215]
+> [208] Got titanium assault umbrella
+> [209] Got Tissue Paper Immateria
+> [211] Got Mohawk wig
+> [213] Got metallic A, photoprotoneutron torpedo
+> [215] Got Tin Foil Immateria
+> [218] Got amulet of extreme plot significance
+> [221] Got Gauze Immateria
+> [227] Got Plastic Wrap Immateria
+> [229] Got S.O.C.K.

I got all the items required for the basement/top floor using some item drop talismans.

[230] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement) [0,0,0]

I immediately got the non-combat.

[231-237] The Haunted Kitchen [44,113,41]
+> [236] Got leftovers of indeterminate origin
+> [237] Got Spookyraven billiards room key
o> Drank 1 Bee's Knees (8 adventures gained) [10,18,10]
[238-247] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor) [118,326,124]
o> Drank 1 astral pilsner (10 adventures gained) [13,2,17]
[248] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor) [0,0,0]

Finished level 10 quest

[250-252] The Haunted Billiards Room [10,53,16]
+> [250] Got pool cue
[254-257] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove [0,0,30]
+> [254] Got eyepatch
+> [255] Got stuffed shoulder parrot
o> Drank 1 Ye Olde Meade (14 adventures gained) [28,24,22]
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 swashbuckling pants
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 Hairpiece On Fire
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 Boots of Twilight Whispers
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 smut orc keepsake box
#> Turn [257] pulled 3 chrome ore
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 head mirror
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 bloodied surgical dungarees
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 surgical mask
#> Turn [257] pulled 1 bowling ball

Unlocking the pirates. I ran out of adventures and pulled some stuff for the level 11 quest because I'm almost level 11.

Turn rundown finished!

Pulled 3 chrome ore
Pulled 3 Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
Pulled 1 Knob sausage chow mein
Pulled 1 surgical mask
Pulled 1 swashbuckling pants
Pulled 1 C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button
Pulled 1 Hairpiece On Fire
Pulled 1 Gauntlets of the Blood Moon
Pulled 1 warbear warscarf
Pulled 1 Greaves of the Murk Lord
Pulled 1 smut orc keepsake box
Pulled 1 head mirror
Pulled 1 bowling ball
Pulled 1 Helm of the Scream Emperor
Pulled 1 bloodied surgical dungarees
Pulled 1 Boots of Twilight Whispers

Adventures gained eating: 25
Adventures gained drinking: 36
Adventures gained using: 0
Adventures gained rollover: 196

Ate 1 Knob sausage chow mein (25 adventures gained) [72,0,0]

Drank 1 Bee's Knees (8 adventures gained) [10,18,10]
Drank 1 Lucky Lindy (4 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
Drank 1 Ye Olde Meade (14 adventures gained) [28,24,22]
Drank 1 astral pilsner (10 adventures gained) [13,2,17]



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