Friday, January 31, 2014

KOL Journal (01/31/2014)

? I forget what I've written down to do. Anyway, of course I finished the run today.

*checks past entries* I've gotten to the end of the list I had previously.

Aftercore To Do:
make or buy pies
wrecked generators or moon pies supply
have skills you want to perm
get facsimile dictionary for selling

New list:
This run - perm cold-blooded fearlessness and 3 120 MP hobo skills
AT - CA2 - perm the other 2 120 MP hobopolis skills
S - CA2 - fight dad


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

KOL Journal (01/29/2014)

I almost ran out of time before rollover today. I skipped Halloween this time, but hopefully next time I can get the peppermints and the silent beret.

During today's turns, I almost finished the island. I'm at the duck farm at the moment. I've pulled some of the things I need tomorrow and should finish with turns left over.

I have to rewrite my walkthrough and cut out a lot of things.

Semi-rare list:
black eyedrops from the library - for spooky resistance
inhaler from top floor of castle - meat drops
knob goblin guard outfit - barracks or kitchen
lunchbox - outskirts
temple - stone wool

Monday, January 27, 2014

KOL Journal (01/27/2014)

I'll note the stuff I still have to do for this run:

Forecastle to poop deck
Twin Peak Combat Initiative choice
Level 10 Airship/Castle
Level 11 Ballroom, Palindrome, Hidden City, Desert, Pyramid
 -unlocked Hidden Temple, Ballroom is ready
Level 12
Level 13
 -2 digital KLP, 2 star KLP, 1 Sneaky Pete KLP left

Sunday, January 26, 2014

KOL Journal (01/26/2014)

I'm out of ronin again. I finally got the magical battery, so I only have one sword left to get. I'm taking a break from the sea this run. I was busy the last couple of days, and nothing particularly new happened in my sauceror run, so I didn't write anything.

I'm not doing anything interesting today, so I'll make some notes here about the different classes in CA2, and other things which I found useful.

Friday, January 24, 2014

KOL Journal (01/23/2014)

I kind of forget what I did yesterday, but I think I'm a little further ahead than I was the last time I did a sauceror CAII run, which was in November.

I just started with Oil Peak and reached level 10. The island is open, and I have the forecastle open. I think I should fight a couple lobster dudes before I unlock the quest actually, or this is going to be really annoying.

Anyway... I don't feel well. I probably can't run anything until late tomorrow afternoon because I'm going to a thing that feels like execution or torture.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

KOL Journal (01/22/2014)

So, today I tried for the magical battery, but I guess I'll have to do another ascension and try again. I'm a little bored... I also did the sea on the scholar path, which was actually cheaper... then again, I didn't buy fish juice boxes this time, so I saved there.

This time, I got fishy by:
fishy paste x3
fishy pipe
5 fish meat with warm belly
1 beef nigiri with warm belly

I also tried to get the semi-rare for fishy but it failed.

I think I'll ascend. But I'm busy for the next few days, so I'll do a regular CA2 sauceror run and probably take a while, unfortunately.

Edit: I ascended as a sauceror. MP is no problem, but it's difficult without extra combat frequency modifiers. I resorted to pulling the imp airs after they wouldn't drop for me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

KOL Journal (01/21/2014)

I barely managed to finish.

I didn't pull any tomb ratchets, and just used Silent Running from the VIP room pool to get the non-combats in the middle chamber.

I faxed a lobsterfrogman, used a 4-d camera I'd pulled yesterday, and also pulled an irresistibility potion. At the end, I got 3 of them in a row. I lucked out in the orchard too and finished quickly.

I was killed by my shadow and the second form of the NS (because I'd forgotten to heal before starting the first one). My last pull was a dream jar to finish the last battle. For this time, I wrote out all the pulls I could possibly need, so I knew I had space to pull a wrecked generator. And I lucked out on the gates and the stairs and had a few of the items there.

I'm out of turns, so I have to finish the Sea and try for the magical battery again tomorrow. But I finished ahead of schedule, so that's very good. The hookah is useful sometimes... I guess. At least it can boost familiar weight all the time.

Get 3 more Wrecked Generators
Suspicious Guy Jar
Sea (possibly use semi-rare to get fishy)

Monday, January 20, 2014

KOL Journal (01/20/2014)

Hidden City


I messed up a few times today. I got the wrong semi-rare, I forgot to flyer the desert at the beginning, I pulled an extra Sneaky Pete's key lime pie, I forgot to use a milk of magnesium... Lots of things.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

KOL Journal (01/19/2014)

Let's see... What did I do again?

Boss bat, which I thought I had done yesterday, but I hadn't
Got first hidden temple non-combat
Twin Peak and Oil Peak
To ground floor of the castle

Get the eyedrops to do a-boo peak
finish castle
pirates all the way to the poop deck

Positives for this and the last run I noticed:
I am dying way less
I can get the liver on day 1 consistently (even if I have to pull a borrowed time)
Five days is pretty much my minimum if I'm not careful or don't have a lot of combat frequency modifiers

Saturday, January 18, 2014

KOL Journal (01/18/2014)

Um... I defeated Mayor Ghost in Dreads, then wasted the rest of my turns on the extreme slope.

And then ascended again as a seal clubber.

Friday, January 17, 2014

KOL Journal (01/17/2014)

Day 5

KOL Journal (01/16/2014)

I get silent running on! Yay for lower combat frequency!

I think I forgot to mention it on my other entries, but my favourite pasta thralls are the Vampieroghi, which heals you, and the Angel Hair Wisp, which increases combat initiative and blocks enemies. I don't really need the MP restoring one, since I have the warscarf (which is oddly a part of every ascension strategy now).

Day 4:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

KOL Journal (01/14/2014)

Day 2

KOL Journal (01/13/2014)

I finally got the sword in the steak, but had to use 374 tatters, some of which I had left over from yesterday and the rest I bought. In total, it's probably around 500 tatters and a bunch of jars. I'm out about 250K, but now I've only got 2 swords left to get. I burned the rest of my turns today in Dreadsylvania.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

KOL Journal (01/12/2014)

I didn't do anything interesting today. I again failed to get the magical battery for the White Dragon Fang, which is going for 4.5 million in the mall. I'm keeping the tatters I've farmed today to use to try to get the Meatcleaver tomorrow, since it's getting really annoying to get. I hope I get lucky.

I'm all prepped for a new run tomorrow. But it's still so tedious. What I might do after my list is done is gather karma and perm all the 120 MP Hobopolis skills via AoJ runs while at the same time collecting more Sea clothing.

I'm also a third of the way to 100 lucre for the puppy. Agh.... Maybe I should keep a detailed log for the Pasta run to my utter embarrassment. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

KOL Journal (01/11/2014)

I finished the run and also the Sea, and this time I remembered to use the pulled blue taffy and the sea lassos at the beginning. I had to buff quite a bit to make it easy, but they are the normal buff items (the reagent potions).

I tried to get the Meatcleaver again, but it isn't working for me yet. At this rate, it might take me 20 times before I can finally get that non-combat.

I'm going to stay in this run for one more day to try to get the White Dragon Fang again.

Next run might be BIG! again, though pastamancer might be a bit easier to do the CA2 run on because of the pasta guardians.

Friday, January 10, 2014

KOL Journal (01/10/2014)

Actually, I finished both the island and the rest of the MacGuffin quest. I at least finished the bridge to the peaks, and there's 12% spookiness left on A-Boo Peak. I should be done by tomorrow barring any catastrophes.

I forgot what other crap I was going to do this run other than the Sea. I don't think there's anything else. According to my list, I am only perming one skill this run (Nimble Fingers), so I'll have 200 left over.

Current plans for the next runs are:

Not sure if I'll do BIG runs or CA2 at the moment.

Pastamancer - Perm Leash of Linguini  
Seal Clubber - Perm Pride of the Puffin and Northern Exposure
Sauceror -  Perm Diminished Gag Reflex
Turtle Tamer - Perm Cold-Blooded Fearlessness

And then after that, maybe the new avatar path, if that's really what the next challenge path is.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

KOL Journal (01/09/2014)


Icy Peak
Hidden City



I think I'm still making fair progress on this run, even though I'm not being careful. That's mostly due to having a bunch of combat frequency modifiers and not having to level at all. I pulled lots of outfits and other things. I think I'll put off the peaks until I finish the island because I forgot to buy the dictionary and it's not accessible at the moment due to the war.

I am stupidly bored again. I'm not sure I'll do CA2 runs again, though it does save a bit of meat when buying all the skills I want to perm. Mostly I'm just rolling about because there's nothing interesting to do.

Finish Palindrome
Finish Spookyraven cellar
Finish Desert and Pyramid


Finish Island

or some combination of the two.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

KOL Journal (01/08/2014)

So, today I did the entire nemesis quest, which took a lot longer than I thought. I decided to do a BIG run this time, because CA2 is getting really boring and I want to take a break. Therefore, I won't get the extra karma from finishing off the sorceress at level 13, so I need to offset that.

I tried to get the magical battery to drop for the White Dragon Fang, and to that end, I equipped 3 rubber gloves, but that didn't seem to help. Next ascension, I guess.

Tatters are too cheap at the moment, so it'll take around a month to rise to 1700 meat or something like that. I don't need meat too much right now due to selling that bow.

For this new disco bandit run, I pulled the ittah bittah hookah, and have access to all the skills that I haven't had access to for the last four ascensions. I put up the - CF song in the ballroom, unlocked the poop deck, got the liver, finished the level 2, 3 and 6 quests, and unlocked the hidden temple. But I'm going to take longer to do this one because I'm tired out and don't want to think too much about it. I'll get the flyer stuff going earlier than normal, but I'm not going to be very careful.

I'm not quite done my turns for this first day, so I might add more tomorrow.


Also, I unlocked the palindrome and have a couple of the things I need from there. And I finished the level 4 boss bat quest, got the diary and the Cobb's Knob key.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

KOL Journal (01/07/2014)

Today, I finished the Sea. I had to buff up muscle and moxie and the last few gladiators gave me trouble again. It's a little bit of luck to get the special attack enough times for each one which won't mess up the rest of the fight. I used a lot of divine noisemakers since it is a lot easier than trying to hit them as a moxie class, even if buffed. The Shub-Jigguwatt fight is way easier compared to those, since there's a very easy and straightforward way to defeat it.

Before going on to Disco Bandit, I got some more wrecked generators and a moon pie. And I finally got the ittah bittah hookah. Today, I tried to get the Meatcleaver again. Tomorrow, I'll spend one more "day" trying to get the White Dragon Fang and selling tatters then ascend into disco bandit. I'll have to figure out whether to pull both Frankly, Mr. Shank (from the Smith's Tome) and the ittah bittah hookah or not.

Monday, January 06, 2014

KOL Journal (01/06/2014)

The run was finished today, with the help of spooky putty, which I had borrowed but forgot to return, a fax of a lobsterfrogman, a larger liver, and a little luck (with the Orchard glands).

I did a little of the Sea stuff, though I forgot to do the lasso + pulled blue taffy + mer-kin weapon thing right away. I'll have to buff up because I'm still at level 13 and don't survive very well. But now, I have sonata, smooth movement, ring of conflict, the headphones and the ballroom - CF song, so I can get -25% CF if I need it. And I have to get the ittah bittah hookah tomorrow. 

Once I finish off the sea, which might take a few days, I'll ascend into... disco bandit.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

KOL Journal (01/05/2014)

A-boo peak, twin peak
Level 10 quest
Hidden Temple, Hidden City, Spookyraven, Palindrome, 66% of desert
got to level 12
5% of flyering
have a shaking camera with a bandit inside
have both war sets for frat and hippy

To do:
finish desert and pyramid
flyer to 100%
finish putty trick with the nuns
finish junkyard and lighthouse (fax lobsterfrogman, use 4-d camera, increase CF)
beat up hippies
use legendary beat on orchard

I could actually finish this thing tomorrow. AT is really as easy as I thought. Or I've become smarter.

And someone bought that bow for 2.5 million so I'm back to pre-Crimbo meat levels. Now I can fund the rest of my Sea runs without worry.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

KOL Journal (01/04/2014, after rollover)

Level 7 and 8 quest
set up - CF song
reached ground floor of castle
opened hidden temple
got to island and got to poop deck
finished oil peak

To do:
finish a-boo peak (using a devil dog, the warbear warscarf, glowing red eyes, extreme gear)
finish twin peak (warscarf + harem veil + something else, I have the chucks, the jar of oil, and the bounty-hunting helmet)
finish level 10 quest
finish hidden city
get to level 12

eat sneaky pete and boris key lime pie
eat digital key lime pie
get a UV compass

KOL Journal (01/04/2014)

I started a new AT CA2 run.

Day 1

Level 2-6 Quests
reached level 7
got liver
access to beach
made it to the ballroom, but haven't got the - CF song going yet
have the coin from the spooky forest noncombat

To do:
get - CF song going
do level 7 quest
open the hidden temple
open mysterious island
get to poop deck

get - CF from sub sprints in olympic pool
eat a ghost dog to - CF
eat a devil dog for the a-boo peak
get pec oil from level 10 quest to use for the a-boo peak

The putty trick from the wiki (do on another day than beach to take advantage of 4-d camera):
filthy knitted sack - drink me potion - 40% meat from monsters for nuns
cast buff
use inhaler
use winklered?
get war hippy fatigues
finish almost all the bandits as a hippy
use 4-d camera on last bandit
change into frat warrior fatigues
use shaking camera to fight the bandit  to register the sidequest for the frat side

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

KOL Journal (01/01/2014)

I didn't do much different today. Bounty, tatter farming, faxing a reanimated skeleton, opened the Lunch-o-mat and got 4 wrecked generators, made key lime pies, tried to get the Meatcleaver again and bought a muculent machete and the accordion made from the products of the Smith's Tome. I ate 3 queen cookies that I had leftover from somewhere.

This is really (as in hella) boring. I might just do a couple more CA2 runs (2 or 4 to equalize the 50s) but I don't like not having access to all my favourite skills. I'll do an AT run next time in the hopes that it will be easier.

I've been trying to parse VinnyB's runs but it's difficult to figure out a core strategy without the hookah. Curses.

I might do some kind of log for that AT run, though it would be pretty embarrassing.