Wednesday, January 22, 2014

KOL Journal (01/22/2014)

So, today I tried for the magical battery, but I guess I'll have to do another ascension and try again. I'm a little bored... I also did the sea on the scholar path, which was actually cheaper... then again, I didn't buy fish juice boxes this time, so I saved there.

This time, I got fishy by:
fishy paste x3
fishy pipe
5 fish meat with warm belly
1 beef nigiri with warm belly

I also tried to get the semi-rare for fishy but it failed.

I think I'll ascend. But I'm busy for the next few days, so I'll do a regular CA2 sauceror run and probably take a while, unfortunately.

Edit: I ascended as a sauceror. MP is no problem, but it's difficult without extra combat frequency modifiers. I resorted to pulling the imp airs after they wouldn't drop for me.

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