Thursday, December 18, 2014

KOL Journal (12/18/2014)

I thought the prices might stay steady, but it looks like demand is outstripping supply. Which means, more meat for me!

I really need to hold off selling until 10 AM or something. I'll have to try it after rollover, just set the price to 18000 or something and leave it. I didn't think the prices would rise above 14500. I can't help but think the amounts people are buying will drop off if the prices increase too much, but I'll monitor it. I must be more patient. We'll hit the threshold at some point, but before then, I'm selling everything!

Monday, December 15, 2014

KOL Journal (12/15/2014)

Well, so Crimbo Town is finally here.

My initial analysis:

Molds are restricted per day. This allows people to not have to use all their adventures farming. It means that more turns doesn't necessarily mean more returns. Also, it might keep the prices of fuel and molds fairly high, which means more long term profits for me.

Tainted flasks drop in the mining camp, and give only 1 turn of each effect. Due to the fumbling at the start when the flasks gave 10 each of each effect, this feels like a particularly harsh nerf. However, because molds are restricted, it doesn't affect my fuel rod selling strategy. What it does affect is if I'll try to get peppermint tailings to turn into crimbo credits, for a possible outfit or familiar which may cost many hundreds of credits. If the outfit pieces/familiar hatching are tradeable, I can buy them from the mall, hopefully for a reasonable price.

My possible strategies:

The hedging bets strategy: 

sell half the fuel, use half the fuel in the factory (with balanced stats, using the cheap schematics)

Pros: if the stuff I'd actually want from the vending machine is untradeable, it's more likely that I'd be able to get it. Even if it is tradeable, it would reduce the amount of meat I'd have to spend to get any interesting items.

Cons: I might make less meat. Also, lots of clicking.

The kinda risky strategy:

sell all the fuel

Pros: I'm more likely to make meat. No thinking required?

Cons: If the stuff is untradeable, I probably can't get it, since the tailing:credit ratio is 10:1. I might switch my strategy to getting more tailings vs nuggets, however, I'd need a lot of tailings to balance it. Also, this runs into the flasks only giving one turn problem.

The river changes every time you step in it strategy:

Monitor prices of fuel, as the price falls, gradually switch from selling all the fuel to using all the fuel.

Pros: Can adjust to market conditions.

Cons: More and more clicking. Maybe I'll buy fuel.

I'll likely just change my strategies based on what is revealed in the vending machine.

Friday, December 12, 2014

KOL Journal (12/12/2014)

I dunno what's happening with Crimbo this year.

I don't care too much about it, other than if it restricts my meat making ability. At least I sold flasks of mining oil when they were above 1500 or so. There's at least a mining script so I just loaded up on the oily legs effect and ran that.

I started my new clan for my personal use, complete with a clan sitter. I hope to open up the basement and put a dreads instance in there. It would unfortunately take me 2 weeks to finish an instance on my own. I might just leave it there and pop in and out over several months.

I thought today about doing BM runs until the next challenge season. It doesn't feel too interesting though.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Killing stuff at 6 kiss
via Gourdy

UKS shield

Castle - buff muscle to at least 2000 (and some moxie) and attack. (also + weapon damage)
Village - I dunno, apparently it's not that hard at 5 kiss, maybe it's also OK at 6 kiss
Woods - elemental damage, -monster defense
  -my standard one for this is to equip a mercenary pistol and use special clips for bugbears and saucegeyser for werewolves. An alternative I thought of is using an ultracolor shirt with lots of effects. At 6 kiss, bugbears only take 75 damage per source. Mercenary pistols count as 6 sources of damage each clip, so 12 for dual use.

Hard Mode Bosses

I have a feeling that other than UKS, which only takes passive damage, and ZHA, which needs a lot more damage, the other four might be defeated with only the mercenary pistol + rare special clip combination plus whatever other thing is needed (like drunkeness, blindness, equipment, damage reduction etc)


Drunkula is expensive to kill in hard mode. You need 10 ghost threads and a dreadsylvanian skeleton key first. Then go to the estate, unlock the master suite and mess with the loom. This will make a ghost shawl, which must be worn into the fight to activate hard mode.

Drunkula is not particularly difficult to kill, but you need enough drunkness that you don't get totally drained, which will cause you to lose. 

The formula for his HP is 8000 + 2000 (n-1), where n is the number of kisses. Therefore, at a 6 kiss level, he would have 18000 HP.

The amount of draining per round is 10 - 15%, i.e. 10% is 1 kiss and 15% is 6 kiss level.

The easy way to do this is to equip the mercenary pistol and funksling the rare special clips. You don't have to be very overdrunk to do it at 1 kiss, probably 150 would be overkill at that point.

You need to drink a bloody kiwitini to access FFS in hard mode. This requires a muscle class to hit one from the top of the tree, after another class chooses to stand at the base (looking up). Then the kiwi catcher needs to look up again to get the kiwi. A key is needed to unlock the master bedroom in the estate, then the nightstand needs to be chosen to get an eau de mort. Then, as a moxie class, visit the castle, go to the tower, unlock the lab, and use the still to get a kiwitini.

The cheat method of defeating the FFS in hard mode is as follows:

Buff moxie
wear makeshift turban
add some passive damage
equip a merc pistol
funksling 2 boneburners, graveburpers or splatterers

buff moxie
equip merc pistol
drink white lightning to get temp blindness
round 1 funksling spectral jelly and seed pod

on subsequent rounds either:
1) begins to spin in a circle - Hide Under a Rock
begins to paw at the ground - Dive Into a Puddle
shuffles toward you - Hide Behind a Tree
2) funksling 2 boneburners, graveburpers or splatterers

Mayor Ghost

The method to get the badge is a bit involved.

as a myst class - hall - dining - levitate
cabin - basement - stick in lock
as an AT - cabin - attic - turn off music box
as a moxie class - skid row - ticking - make key
cabin - basement - check out lock box

You can also buy a replica key and then do the last step.

The basis of hard mode for this boss is that you have more ways that you can cause a violation, for which you will immediately die.

Possible stuff he can ask for is:

Possible equipment: Choker of the Ultragoth, clown wig, giant gym membership card, leotarrrd, oven mitts, plush hamsterpus, spork, and white snakeskin duster.

Possible skills: Inappropriate Backrub, Chronic Indigestion, Snowclone, Spooky Breath, Tango of Terror, Stream of Sauce, Sing, Disco Dance of Doom, Ravioli Shurikens, Spectral Snapper, Harpoon!.

Possible items: poltergeist-in-the- jar-o, brick of sand, sparking El Vibrato drone, blue plastic oyster egg, hot clusterbomb, tequila grenade, sharpened hubcap, fetid feather, onion shurikens, stone frisbee.

The drone, clusterbomb, and hubcap are things I would suggest replacing yourself. You can buy the hot clusterbomb, but it is expensive. The other two are not tradeable.

You can get away with not having some of the required things, but that means there is a higher chance you get decreed something you don't have and then you die.

You cannot use healing items or get healed, or you also die. Buff yourself to use elemental love songs.

6 kiss stats are 20000 HP.

Possible technique is:

If equipment is asked for, use 2 elemental love songs.

If a skill is asked for, do that.

If an item is asked for, funksling that item + a love song.

Do not use the love song of vague ambiguity, since that heals you.

As with the badge, the method is long:

dread tarragon - woods- cabin- kitchen- spice rack
bone flour - old dry bone - muscle - woods - cabin - kitchen - flour mill
dreadful roast - castle - hall - dining room - roast
stinking agaricus - castle - dungeon - guardroom - break off

These can all be bought in the mall.

But you need to be a myst class to bake the pie.

bake - myst - village - estate - servant's quarters - make pie

The strategy is to pile on the passive damage, lower your HP, use a mosquito with a fish scaler equipped, and increase familiar weight and action frequency. Also, max out damage absorption.

You can't do anything in the fight. Just wait it out and hope you don't die while the passive damage does its work. HP is 3500 at 6 kiss.

Example: Level 22 Sauceror, no permed skills 
2 kiss UKS

sponge helmet
a weapon
cup of infinite pencils
square sponge pants
Mer-kin gutgirdle
bottle opener belt buckle

passive damage:

eel battery
skeleton: warrior

Damage absorption:

mother's little helper
oil of parrrlay
cement mixer (booze)
portable wall
gene tonic: construct

lower HP:

sewage schnapps (booze)
consumed by doubt effect from jar of psychoses: crackpot mystic

increase familiar weight and action:

irradiated pet snacks
recording of chorale of companionship
green snowcone
gene tonic: fish
potion of punctual companionship

Great Wolf

You need to wear a moon amber necklace to fight the wolf.

muscle - tree - shiny thing
moxie - town - ticking - polish
myst - tower - library - read enchanted jewelry

requires pliers, jewelry crafting - little canadia jewellers
craft necklace - polished moon amber + heavy necklace chain

raise moxie

pirate juice
serum of sarcasm
tomato juice
oil of expertise (or whatever equalizer is appropriate)
potion of temporary gr8tness
cold-filtered water
bottle of fire
lobos mints

raise damage reduction

mystic shell
brawnee's anthem
stiff upper lip (TT facial expression)
tube of dread wax
mother's little helper
spirit gum
oil of parrrlay
bottle of fabric softener
scroll of Puddingskin
vial of The Glistening 
pokemann band-aid
total DR - 308 from effects and 80 from the cool irons outfit, OK for 2 kiss, I probably overdid it though

cool iron helmet
Stick Knife of Loathing (I use the clothing of loathing as a base outfit, so this was left here. It's not directly useful, but wearing multiple parts of the clothing of loathing outfit does raise stats)
old-school flying disc (10 DR)
Drunkula's cape (I forgot to take it off, it's useless in this situation)
cool iron breastplate
cool iron greaves
Belt of Loathing (20 DR)
Protects-Your-Junk (20 DR)
moon-amber necklace (required to fight Wolf in hard mode)

You also need:
about 15 full heal combat items, like scented massage oils or the seed pods
elemental love songs, about 15 of those, I used the love song of nasty innuendo because I'd buffed moxie anyway.

Every round was:
funksling love song of nasty innuendo and a massage oil
Then I ran out of massage oils, but I fortunately had some seed pods left so I used those instead.

6 kiss:
has 5000 HP
pufferfish spine or love song of icy revenge + massage oil
raise moxie past about 4200 (which is its defense)
passive damage


with muddy skirt equipped and seed pod in inventory - castle - hall - ballroom - trip the light fantastic

The ZHA has 5 million HP even at 1 kiss level. 

There are three methods.

1) You are somewhat rich/willing to spend.
Buff mainstat a lot, about to 8334.
Use a shard of double ice.
Use 2 hot or spooky clusterbombs per kiss level. You need to use more if your buffed mainstat is lower.

If you are ascending, you can get fuses, and paste the bombs yourself to save cash.

2) You have super high mysticality and spell damage.
You need to be able to cause 167000 damage or something like that to kill ZHA in 29 rounds. I can't do this either.

3) Get splattersmash, buff muscle, and equip green lantern if you have one.

This is the better method. For 6 kiss, about 15312 buffed muscle and double ice use is fine.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

KOL Journal (11/15/2014)

New path is kinda interesting, despite it being a low writing content path. It's like being a semi-newbie, but with more experience. 

Unfortunately, I am really bad at ascending at the moment, due to being on easy mode with AOSP/BIG for a long time. Depending on what the reward is, I may or may not continue. 

It appears that the reward is what determines if I do a path more than once at the moment, though I bet that will change for the Spring path since that is probably... an avatar path or an avatar-like path. 

I bought a full set of the warbear dress armor for my whosit needs. It gives me something to farm during Halloween, anyway.

So, plans for next runs:

1) maybe some Picky runs
2) 2 BIG runs
3) HC Class Act II sauceror to get stainless steel 
4) HOA citation pad

In terms of my predictions of longevity for the game... I think it should stick around for a couple of years yet. I must speed up my plans and make sure to finish off some of the old ones as soon as possible. 

I'm still trying to catch instances in BCC to get skull capacitors. It does really make me want to make my own clan solely to have dreads instances for myself. I could just... make another multi to act as leader. The price is considerable, however. 10 million for the basement itself, 1 million per opening. But at least it would be protected from others. And no freaking people making it more than 1 kiss per area. I am thinking, that based on my Crimbo haul, I could do it. The problem is, it would take forever to roll over instances because I'd be the only one in there. I could close it prematurely and just write off the other 2 areas as loss... right? Or like I could hire people to adventure in there? That seems to get into the same problem.

Monday, November 03, 2014

KOL Journal (11/03/2014)

I changed my mind. I'm taking a break from ascending until the new path.

That means I've got 2 more runs for parts of the violence outfit left to do at some point.

A couple more things to clean up:

1) sauceror hc to get stainless steel scarf, which has been on my list for a really long time
2) dreads items - HOA citation pad, Drunkula's wineglass
3) slime items? Maybe
4) shapeless wide brimmed hat, battered old top-hat

5) merc core challenge coin.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

KOL Journal (10/15/2014)

Plans for next runs

79 HC AoSP -> SC - future 
80 HC AoSP -> TT - both + 1 skill 
81 HC AoSP -> P - both + 9 skills
82 HC AoSP -> DB - both + 9 skills
83 HC AoSP -> AT - hobopolis + 4 skills
84 HC AoSP -> S -> gladiator

85 SC Big -> DB -> gladiator
86 SC Big -> TT -> gladiator
87 SC Big -> P -> gladiator + 1 skill
88 SC new challenge path (changes - no skeletons, so I guess that adds 9 turns)

in between, I'm going to collect coin-spiracy and hobo nickels

That should take me up to the start of the next challenge path on November 15, and be generally non-complex. Complicating this would be something changing in the run - like the level 13 quest changing. Level 12 shouldn't change before the end of the year.

After all this, my karma should be at about 1900, for other uses like hardcore perming.

shapeless wide brimmed hat
battered old top-hat

Pastamancer (1):
bind spice ghost

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

KOL Journal (10/07/2014)

Wow, it's October...

Multi progress:
the 6 FK locations have been pencilled in.
meat stores are good.

I was able to defeat UKS at 2 kiss in hard mode (at fairly low expense), so that's a possibility, as long as I can reduce my HP enough. It might be easier to just fight Drunkula, since I wouldn't have to poison myself or whatever.

My next purchase on the multi will probably be a VIP key, in case I need to delevel at some point.

I bought the airplane charter for Conspiracy Island. I bought a Mr. A from the mall, so I still get the donate ads. I'm kinda using the jungle as a levelling area, and to get the +ML drop. Mostly, it's for after I finish my hardcore run chain.

I'm on run 13 of that. It's pretty boring, but I don't want to think about pulls.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

KOL Journal (09/27/2014)

Current multi progress:

village square
old duke's estate

dreads skeleton key - 25 FKs
10 ghost threads (1.5-2 million meat)
-old duke's estate
master suite
mess with loom

bubbly potions
120 MP hobo skill
raise HP to 5000
high moxie

The prices for ghost threads have decreased somewhat, so this should be cheaper to do.

Today is also Twitch event day, which I might run on both accounts. I probably won't though, since I'm mostly waiting for BCC Dreads to turn over so I can get another ghost pencil and hopefully pencil in the estate.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

KOL Journal (09/10/2014) after rollover

Day 2

quests 9-10
jarlsberg's key
get UV compass
star key, hat, crossbow
spookyraven gallery and bathroom
hippy outfit
11 - found black market

Day 3

finish 11, start 12
spookyraven - haunted bedroom - nightdress only
unlock hidden temple

Day 4

finish 12, 13
-pick up gates and stairs items

Revised plan. I didn't quite get to unlocking the hidden temple, but all the keys are ready. I should be able to finish the level 11 quest tomorrow.

KOL Journal (09/10/2014)

Since I'm doing a lot of hardcore AoSP, I thought I would write down what was happening each run. I already have all the skill points possible to get.

Moon sign: vole
astral shirt

eating - whatever drops
drinking - speakeasy drinks, then the drinks from the still
spleening - aed + molotov soda (this creates a surplus of molotov sodas for day 4)

motorcycle -

massage seat - HP and MP regen needed
nitro - just because combat initiative is always useful (I have the skeleton garden, anyway)
rocket launcher for the island, since I skip the nuns
snow tires - skip quest 8 because I hate it
black light bulb - desert exploration
unmuffled for the lobsterfrogmen

Day 1
switch to hate first, since I have to level up before drinking the booze from throw party.

Quests 2-8
unlocked billiards room
digital key
Boris's key
unlocked Dungeons of Doom
desert beach

Day 2

quests 9-10
start 11
jarlsberg's key
get UV compass
work on star key, hat, crossbow
work on unlocking hidden temple
hippy outfit

Day 3

finish 11, start 12

Day 4

finish 12, 13
-pick up gates and stairs items

Monday, September 08, 2014

KOL Journal (09/08/2014)

I made a multi for Dreads. There is a problem, of course, since I can't use this multi and my main in the dungeon at the same time. (for example, if I wanted to use the capacitor on the machine and also wanted to use the multi to get skills)

that means I have to prep this multi to be able to kill Drunkula in HM. I thought about prepping it to kill UKS, but that's kind of annoying.

village square
old duke's estate

dreads skeleton key - 25 FKs
10 ghost threads (2 million meat)
-old duke's estate
master suite
mess with loom

bubbly potions
120 MP hobo skill
raise HP to 5000
high moxie

Normally, this would be too annoying to do, but since I need something to do in KOL, for now this will work as a goal.

Friday, August 29, 2014

KOL Journal (08/29/2014)

I didn't want my fishbone fins to go to waste, so I went HR again. Also, it looks like people found my blog through searching for Heavy Rains KOL. I'm not going to post any logs, because it would be completely useless to speed ascenders. Ha.

It seems to be a little easier this round, mostly because I learned from my mistakes before and am using all ML reducers possible for bosses. This is causing a problem with levelling, but since I'm in no rush, I think it's OK.

I think I should figure out what my next runs should be. I guess I'll keep my beautiful rainbow from this run in my display case. Not sure when I'll do a HC sauceror run. 

Like 20 HC AoSP to build up karma...  (with breaks for twitch events and when machine use is required)

Total karma - 200*20 = 4000

Sea - Pigsticker of Violence
tricky knifework
disco greed
disco bravado
disco state of mind
frantic gyrations
flashy dancer
disco dance 1
disco dance 2
disco dance 3

Sea - Brand of Violence
shell up

Sea - Novelty Belt Buckle of Violence
bringing up the rear
bind vampieroghi
bind vermincelli
bind angel hair wisp
shield of the pastalord
bind elbow macaroni
thrall unit tactics
penne dreadful
spice ghost

cletus's canticle of celerity
psalm of pointiness
crab claw technique

BIG! Sauceror
Sea - lens of violence
HC perms?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

KOL Journal (08/26/2014)

I am seriously bored. By my count, I have 4 runs left to complete the violence set of gear. I gave up doing the basement. Right now, I'm arranging machine skills for clan members. I was initially planning on chain ascending in HR, because my karma ran out after I permed a lot of skills. And I was going to sell rainbows, since they're worth 3.7 million in the mall. But, I totally don't need meat much these days. I've been selling lots of Hobopolis consumables, especially during Twitch events, so it's all been adding up. I can't wait for Crimbo time when I'll make even more.

I think I'll just do some BIG runs... or something...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

KOL Journal (08/19/2014)

OK, I finally finished a Heavy Rains run. It took six days, partially because I had no time/motivation to optimize that much and partially just because I'm not that good at ascending. I'm not sure whether I'll do more of them. I have a feeling that they were exaggerating the complexity/difficulty of this challenge path. To be honest, it's not super bad, depending on what you have. KOL is always becoming more multifactorial the more things are added to it. Though, it's not easy enough for a complete newbie to do, since it would be hard to survive and it would take forever that way.

I think I'll ascend after the twitch event, though the last one wasn't really that interesting.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

KOL Journal (08/16/2014)

Well.... since I will be busy/without internet for a few days, my current Heavy Rains run will likely be ruined, which is somehow quite theme appropriate.

In terms of if I can do lots of these runs, I probably can, mostly because if I have less time, it's better to have a hard or longer type of path. I doubt I'll try optimizing it, but I should become better, and as more people complete ascensions, the true nature of the in season reward will be revealed. It may be a skill that increases in utility the more ascensions of this path are done.

September's IOTM is likely to be related to this path, and I might... buy it. It would be easier to purchase it through an intermediary (i.e. buy the IOTM from the mall, rather than buy a Mr. A, then buy it from the general store)

In terms of trophies, the best guesses I've heard are:

1) have all the skills.

Ouch, this would take a long time. You could stay in run and just try to get them every 35-45 adventures, but... I think I'd have to do it after the season is over.

2) use a certain number of the rewards (that would be mean)

3) figure out what the make it rain skill does.
OK, this wouldn't be a trophy. But I still have no idea what the skill is supposed to do.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

New Challenge Path: Heavy Rains

Hard (for me, the mostly IOTM-less player. I do have a bunch of skills, but they don't seem to be helpful yet. I should have gone sauceror to reduce the pain)

Everywhere is flooded. Instead of fighting normal bosses, you fight water clones of them which are more powerful. Of course, water clones suck - anyone who has fought Demyx in Kingdom Hearts knows that. Bosses seem to have damage caps, and apparently can do things like remove buffs.

There is a depth rating everywhere due to flooding. Underground = more flooded. More depth = harder.

You fight some wandering monsters which can give fishbones, which give access to a shop that has helpful items, or potions, or access to the thunder skills. You have to fight a wandering monster at depth 6 to access the skills. Outside, inside and underground areas give different skills. I think... that you must use the special skills or the correct monster will not appear.

depth 1 - 1 fishbone
depth 2 - potion + 50% initiative, 40 adv
depth 3 - 2 fishbones
depth 4 - potion - reduces item loss, 40 adv
depth 5 - 3 fishbones

For the fishbones, I like the facemask (-30ML), as it frees up some of my accessory slots. I also have the fins (enemies don't hit as much), and want to get the corset (lowers water level).

Depth 6 underground - menagerie
Depth 6 underground (with thundercloud) - inside cobb's knob, cobb's knob labs
Depth 6 inside (with personal thundercloud) - spookyraven
Depth 6 outside (with thundercloud and rain in loathing effects) - highlands, pirate cove undisguised

Oddly, my records indicate that I got a thunder thigh in the haunted bathroom. I think I was at depth 6, but not due to thundercloud, as that was the second skill I got.

depth 6, underground = tardigrade -> thunder skills
depth 6, inside, with thundercloud = aquaconda -> rain skills (I guess you need a cloud to get rain)
depth 6, outside, with thundercloud and the rain in loathing = storm cow -> lightning skills

Depth Levels: (without depth increasers/decreasers)
cobb's knob first two levels - 5
cobb's knob menagerie - 6
spookyraven - first floor 3, second floor 4
highlands - 2
pirates - 2
barr - 4

In order to get certain areas to depth 6, you have to use a skill. The progression is thunder -> rain -> lightning. By the way, make sure to remove your depth reducers if you're going for a skill item.

Getting rain skills:

So what I did was use the thunder skill Personal Thundercloud -> 100 turns
I went to the indoor zone the Haunted Bedroom, which becomes depth 6 due to the thundercloud.
fought an aquaconda
Rain skills unlocked!

Thunder - adventure in an underground area at 6 depth, get a thigh from a tardigrade
regeneration - every ~ 10 adventures, you get 30 db, or 50 db with thunder thighs.

Thunder Clap
banish for 40 turns

increases depth by 2

Thunder Bird

Max HP + 100%


Thunder Down Underwear
summon underwear (disappears after rollover)

Damage Absorption +100
Maximum HP +100
Regenerate 10-20 HP per adventure

Thunder Thighs
more thunder regeneration

Rain - adventure in a depth 6 inside area (example, spookyraven 2nd floor), get a brain from an aquaconda
every 7 adventures, you get 7 raindrops.

Rain Man
noncombat, copier for monsters that are copyable that have been encountered in a Heavy Rains run.

Rainy Day
increases depth by 2

Make it Rain
+300% meat drops combat skill

Rain Dance
100 adv, +20% Item Drops from Monsters

prismatic damage combat skill

Rain Coat
shirt (disappears after rollover)

So-So Resistance to All Elements (+2)
+10% Item Drops from Monsters
Combat Initiative +40%
Rain Delay
passive +3 all res

Lightning - adventure in a depth 6 area, outside, fight a storm cow, drops lightning milk - recommended to use up MP to below 50 so it doesn't drain as much HP, and raise HP

Lightning Strike
insta kill, items drop

Clean-Hair Lightning
max MP + 100%

Ball Lightning
yellow ray, 100 turn cooldown

Sheet Lightning
spell damage + 100%, damages attackers

Lightning Bolt
5000 damage on 3rd use in combat

Lightning Rod
summons a staff (disappears after rollover)

Spell Damage +200%
Maximum MP +50
Regenerate 5-10 MP per adventure

Riding the Lightning
Maximum MP +100%

It seems you can keep at least one skill per ascension. It's unknown at the time how many maximum you can keep, but according to the forum, it's likely to be 3 per skill tree.

Due to flooding, items may wash away (even if it is yellow rayed). You can equip a pool skimmer from the mall to catch other player's lost items. There are some junk accounts to ensure that you will get something, I guess in case it happened that were no other players around who had lost something. There are also water wings in the mall to reduce the painfulness of this path, by reducing the ML, and also an umbrella to reduce depth. Throw away your pride and use the wings, if you must.

The reward is an item giving a skill that deals prismatic damage. It looks like you get an extra 1 damage per item used, which seems kinda weak? The cap is 11, so 55 damage total. I'm selling my lone beautiful rainbow.

KOL Journal (08/14/2014)

Ole! It's almost time for a new path!

What I heard about the path:
hard to get, powerful skills, you can keep some of them for the next run (but limited)
a mini avatar path
rain, lightning, thunder related
harder than other challenge paths, due to complexity?
cannonfire40 likes it
hard to fight monsters
I guess we can keep our normal skills, or it would be really bad

I probably should have spent my adventures farming tatters for some quick cash, but I accidentally spent a bit too much on food and booze, so I spent them in Hobopolis again.

It appears that I only have 5 ascensions left to finish both sets of Hatred and Violence outfits.

Lens of Violence - SR
Pigsticker of Violence - DB
Brand of Violence - TT
Novelty Belt of Violence - PM
Cold Stone of Hatred - SC

The next path sounds kinda cool. At least, I'm going to try it later tonight once it appears (hopefully)

What should I save up for next?

Fairy-worn boots - stomping boots familiar - 17.5 million
-is this even that useful? I mean, pastes and runaways, I suppose, but not super great

can of rain-doh - 42 million -specifically, this is for the green lantern, since I recently bought frigidalmatian and for source damage caps I would like another type of damage in case. It's also a copy. It's very expensive... so I'd have to wait until after Crimbo meat making time.

I could probably use 2 love songs of different element instead-
smoldering passion - myst, hot + MP
sugary cuteness - muscle, stench 
disturbing obsession - myst, spooky
naughty innuendo - moxie, sleaze

spooky putty - 21 million
ergh - seems kinda useless if it's only the copy thing.

folder holder - 23.7 million
so many uses! seems like a good investment.
Dreads +500% item drop
+ 25 ML
+4 all res
Prismatic damage
damage reduction
stench damage every round
+ 5 Adv

Friday, August 08, 2014

KOL Journal (08/08/2014)

Finally I burst out of that BIG run.

Today I spent all of my adventures in Hobopolis. But tonight, I'm going to finish the Sea on the Hatred side and get another Staff.

Then I'll mess around in Hobopolis again. Since it's 7 days until the new challenge path, which according to the pattern will be an interesting non-avatar type, I won't ascend again. I haven't done the last one of this type (KOLHS), but I kinda... don't want to. Guess I'll do this one when it shows up after rollover on August 14th. Hopefully, it's not total shit so I can do it over and over to replenish karma. I'm almost out of the stored karma I got from doing so many AoSP runs while they were in season, since I've been perming lots of random stuff.

I have no idea if I'll have time to do the challenge path properly since I'm moving to a different country and stuff, but I think I should have some time between orientation and when school starts to do stuff.

I also want to see what the special reward item is, and if it's worth meat. I only have 3 bottled days, one of which I'm storing for Crimbo use, and the other 2 for some other time. I don't really need to sell them, even if they're approaching 5 million meat already. I'd rather have the continuous, stable meat source of selling Hobopolis consumables and tatters... or at least consumables. I have a feeling that unless a twitch event is coming up, the tatter market may crash again. Also, I have enough meat to buy 2 Mr. A's, though really, that would be pretty silly.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

KOL Journal (08/05/2014)

I was bored today, so I ascended again, into a BIG! Pastamancer run.

I was going to do HC AoSP, but then I realized that trying to do the opossum moon sign as hc is too much work so I'm not going to do that.

And I'd rather be overlevelled for doing the sea after the run is over.

I'm just messing around this time. I finished 2-8 and got the liver today. The things that are left to are quests 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, unlocking the island, spookyraven to 2nd floor, that kind of stuff.

I was also so bored yesterday that I defeated Mayor Ghost in Hard Mode. I lost a few times, once because it asked for something I didn't have, and once because I ran out of HP. At least I crossed off the scissors off my list. I have at least 5 of every combat item. It seems like buffing + elemental love songs works pretty well. I don't think I'd consider 6 kiss unless I was a higher level, like 30 or something. Once I have splattersmash, ZHA should be easy enough to tackle.

Still on the fence about buying Frigidalmatian, but it doesn't seem to be super expensive so I don't feel rushed to buy it.

Friday, August 01, 2014

KOL Journal (08/01/2014)

Next plans (copied and revised)

AoSP -> DB
Perm Adventurer of Leisure, Disco Dance of Doom, Deft Hands, Disco Nap, and Tango of Terror
Get more things from Dreads - fuses, polish moon amber
Sea - Hatred Side

AoSP -> PM
Moon Sign: Opossum
Perm Ravioli Shurikens, Cannelloni Cannon, Springy Fusilli, and Utensil Twist
Buy pliers, jewelry crafting, make necklace
Perm Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting
Sea - Hatred Side

AoSP -> SC
Perm Double-Fisted Skull Smashing
Sea - Hatred Side

11 skills
3 runs = 333 karma
current = 943 karma
= barely enough karma to perm everything.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

KOL Journal (07/29/2014)

So instead of doing a BIG! run as a TT, I did a sneaky pete run and then transferred into a TT. I think I might do that from now on, considering many of the other skills I want to perm are level 13 and under.

I just faffed around after finishing in 3 days and collected a couple of skills. I have to rewrite the guide I used to do AoSP runs since the spookyraven revamp.

Next, getting to level 14 to get hero of the half shell and doing the sea. I'd like to get a couple moon-ambers (just snagged one for 100K, oddly below regular price of 180K) for fighting the wolf in hard mode, in case I have to fight it a couple of times to get the lice to drop.

so probably:

3 moon ambers (have 3)
2 blood kiwis (I'm a TT, I could get one)
3 badges (I have one, can make another one, and need another one to have for FK drops)
3 muddy skirts (buy these)

wanted list
Wolf Lice
MG's scissors
HOA citation pad
HOA regulation book
Splattersmash (sauceror/seal clubber)

maybe list
UKS restless leg
Wolf Rocket Launcher

Sunday, July 20, 2014

KOL Journal (07/20/2014)

As the Twitch event is soon, I'm not ascending into another BIG run until after that.

I've given up on doing basement runs for now, since it doesn't matter until I do 3 more for ascension purposes, since the three gates are known right away when you get to the tower anyway.

Today's Sea Violence run was fairly cheap because it isn't a scholar run and I think sea cowbells are cheaper for some reason.

The tatter market has recovered, so I'm selling as many as possible before the event because I have no idea whether tatters will be useful in that or not, and I'd rather get my meat now.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Notes for Dreads

Wolf Lice
Wolf Rocket Launcher
HOA regulation book
UKS restless leg
Splattersmash (sauceror/seal clubber)

killing 6 kiss monsters
divine favours/love songs (skeletons)
gob of wet hair (cold)
raise moxie
1000 DA
more attack
watch MP (spooky)

Drunkula HM

10 ghost threads - estate - master suite (unlocked) - mess with loom


HP is 8000 + 2000(n-1) where n is the number of kisses
drains some drunkenness per round, 10/11/12/13/14/15%, too low and you lose

drunkness = 100 + (number of rounds to kill*percent drunkenness drain per round*10)
use appropriate dungeons of doom potion

UKS shield, snow mobile

5000 HP
high moxie


Hobo 120 MP skill or volc-eruption


bloody kiwitini
blood kiwi - tree - root around - wait at root around while looking up - muscle class hits from top - stomp
eau de mort - estate - master (unlocked) - nightstand

castle - tower - lab (unlocked) use still

white lightning
use spectral jelly or ghost protocol
in combat, use seed pod to deblind and ghost protocol to get spectral effect.

if FFS does a special move, then follow the guide below to do the appropriate counter.

spin - hide under a rock
paw - dive into a puddle
shuffle - hide behind a tree

use a non ice hobo spell/volc-eruption + snow mobile or frigidalmatian (since this would overlap)
There is a damage cap per source, it's 166 at 6 kiss.
increase spell damage
increase passive damage or elemental damage
This means that you need at least 2 sources of damage.


myst - hall - dining - levitate
cabin - basement - stick in lock
AT - cabin - attic - turn off music box
moxie - skid row - ticking - make key
cabin - basement - check out lock box

stuff that you need to replace yourself
sparking el vibrato drone
get sphere - 59, 10; 86, 40; 48,47
get plinth - 63,29
get build + drone, use on towering construct
use attack card on drone

hot clusterbomb - because of expense
pulverize frying brainpan, hothammer, vengeful spirit, vial of hot blood, or warm fur
paste with fuse - moxie class - ticking shack - boxes

sharpened hubcap
hobopolis - Shopping - Housewares - Tools

don't heal (buff muscle, raise HP to survive)
use love songs (not love song of vague ambiguity since that heals you)


with muddy skirt equipped and seed pod - castle - hall - ballroom - trip the light fantastic

buff muscle, splattersmash
requires 15312 muscle for 6 kiss, also use double-ice
equip snow machine


raise moxie

pirate juice
serum of sarcasm
tomato juice
oil of expertise (or whatever equalizer is appropriate)
potion of temporary gr8tness
cold-filtered water
bottle of fire
lobos mints

raise damage reduction

mystic shell
brawnee's anthem
stiff upper lip (TT facial expression)
tube of dread wax
mother's little helper
spirit gum
oil of parrrlay
bottle of fabric softener
scroll of Puddingskin
vial of The Glistening
pokemann band-aid
total DR - 308 from effects and 80 from the cool irons outfit, OK for 2 kiss, I probably overdid it though

cool iron helmet
Stick Knife of Loathing (I use the clothing of loathing as a base outfit, so this was left here. It's not directly useful, but wearing multiple parts of the clothing of loathing outfit does raise stats)
old-school flying disc (10 DR)
Drunkula's cape (I forgot to take it off, it's useless in this situation)
cool iron breastplate
cool iron greaves
Belt of Loathing (20 DR)
Protects-Your-Junk (20 DR)
moon-amber necklace (required to fight Wolf in hard mode)

You also need:
about 15 full heal combat items, like scented massage oils or the seed pods
elemental love songs, about 15 of those, I used the love song of nasty innuendo because I'd buffed moxie anyway.

Every round was:
funksling love song of nasty innuendo and a massage oil
Then I ran out of massage oils, but I fortunately had some seed pods left so I used those instead.

6 kiss:
has 5000 HP
pufferfish spine or love song of icy revenge + massage oil
raise moxie past about 4200 (which is its defense)

passive damage


dread tarragon - woods- cabin- kitchen- spice rack
bone flour - old dry bone - muscle - woods - cabin - kitchen - flour mill
dreadful roast - castle - hall - dining room - roast
stinking agaricus - castle - dungeon - guardroom - break off

bake - myst - village - estate - servant's quarters - make pie

many passive damage sources
lower HP
use mosquito with scaler
increase familiar weight and action frequency
use frigidalmatian


2 kiss UKS

stomach space 4
liver space 3

sponge helmet
a weapon
cup of infinite pencils
square sponge pants
Mer-kin gutgirdle
bottle opener belt buckle

passive damage:

GORF 1 fullness
eel battery
skeleton: warrior

Damage absorption:

mother's little helper
oil of parrrlay
cement mixer (booze) 2 liver
portable wall
gene tonic: construct

lower HP:

morto moreto 1 liver
consumed by doubt effect from jar of psychoses: crackpot mystic

increase familiar weight and action:

irradiated pet snacks
recording of chorale of companionship
green snowcone
gene tonic: fish
potion of punctual companionship

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

KOL Journal (07/08/2014)

Plans for Next Runs

Perm Hero of the Half Shell, Spectral Snapper, Butts of Steel
Get moon amber from Dreads

Perm Adventurer of Leisure, Disco Dance of Doom, Deft Hands, Disco Nap, and Tango of Terror
Get more things from Dreads - fuses, polish moon amber
Sea - Hatred Side

Moon Sign: Opossum
Perm Ravioli Shurikens, Cannelloni Cannon, Springy Fusilli, and Utensil Twist
Buy pliers, jewelry crafting, make necklace
Perm Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting
Sea - Hatred Side

Perm Double-Fisted Skull Smashing
Sea - Hatred Side

Monday, June 30, 2014

KOL Journal (06/30/2014)

I've been adventuring in BCC's basements, mostly picking up freddys for the outfit. I think I'd like to try to beat each of the bosses in hard mode at some point, since I have volc-eruption now and have lots of meat to throw at it. But... it's not like I want most of the loot from there, so I guess I can drop it once I get to level 30 and buy the trophy.

My plans keep changing all the time. But I am unlikely to do another S&S, anyway.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

KOL Journal (06/26/2014)

I did a Zombie Master run, which wasn't as fun because I messed up and left my bear arms in my display case. I made it through and it was fine, but I might not do another one of those.

What I have left to do is:

1 SC (Scholar)
2 DB
2 TT
2 PM (Scholar side more important)
1 AT (Gladiator)
1 SR (Gladiator)

Right now, I'm doing a basement run, which is slightly painful since I started at level 20 going down there.
I'm at level 308 right now, and doing a bit more every day. I'm stockpiling black hearts from Interview with You for those MP tests also. The basement is really boring, and in a single player pc game I would have cheated by now to pass everything.

I've got a couple more challenge paths to try out, but I might do some time in Dreadsylvania.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

KOL Journal (06/04/2014)

I'm on my last S&S, after which I will do a bunch of BIG runs for perming and Sea stuff.

Current List:


1AT (the gladiator side)

The last Sauceror run will be a march to level 27, after which I will do the basement for the first time.

Mostly I'm perming the stuns for each class and some class specific stuff, just because I can.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

KOL Journal (05/27/2014)

I'm on my second Slow and Steady run. Mostly I did it for the little reward at the end, which I guess is a little compelling as was said. I doubt they'll go for much on the mall eventually as many will do the path, but it might be useful for Crimbo, on the first or second day, depending on if the mechanic is clear. I totally forgot that world events = Hobopolis Consumables sell, so I didn't stock my store with a lot. I still had some in there, so I'm about halfway to a Smith's Tome or a couple million away from fairy-worn boots.

As for the S&S, I have huge amounts of pulls, and still have some stat gaining problems. I guess I could pull some stat stuff and the clover thing still appears to be working the same as before. Not sure about that.

I'm really bored so these longer runs are probably better for me. I can bank some bottled days for future contingency. I'd pretty much only be able to do 10 in the whole challenge season if I go as slow as I've been going. Hmm. I think I'll do... one more after this then ascend into a couple BIG runs to collect some Sea stuff.

Then after that I can finish some extra stuff.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

KOL Journal (05/15/2014)

So the Spookyraven Revamp finally arrived. Mostly it just takes longer (as usual).

The first and second floors aren't too bad, except for the gallery Louvre maze.

The third floor confused me but with forum help, I got through it.

You have three kids, giggling, chubby and weepy, and three toys, a poppet, a jack-in-the-box, and a rocking horse. Each kid likes one toy and hates another one. It appears this is different for each player.

The point is to get all three kids into the lab, where you can trap them for delivery to their mother. A non-combat will appear every 5 turns in one of the zones.

The zone rotation is thus - lab -> nursery -> storage -> lab etc.

Say the giggling ghost was in the storage room, and you used something which it hated. This would send it to the lab. In this way, you can gather all three using a combination of attracting kids using a toy they like and rotating them out of the room using a toy they don't like.

The toy will attract a ghost if it is in the previous room. Like if a ghost was in the storage room and you used a toy it liked in the lab, it would go into the lab.

Getting the non-combat in the lab after all three are there will finish the third floor.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

KOL Journal (05/13/2014)

Depending on what the next challenge path is (a.k.a. if it sounds really boring or annoyingly difficult), I might do a couple rounds of the sea to get some of the more useful equipment.

Like about five or so BIG ascensions.


Pantaloons of Hatred (SR)
Lens of Hatred (AT)
Staff of Simmering Hatred (PM)


Lens of Violence (SR)
Ass-Stompers of Violence (SC)

Alternatively - a hardcore sauceror ascension (Class Act II) because I don't have a lot of time in the next two weeks.

According to this post, I had some plans for Dreads too, but I am going to cut out everything from that except killing the UKS on hard mode since I have all the ingredients for that already. And maybe ZHA if I manage to get Splattersmash.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

KOL Journal (05/11/2014)

Two bits of news - I got a slimeling and a hobo monkey. I invested a whole bunch of adventures in Hobopolis to get enough hobo nickels and I paid 1.75 million for the slimeling. I listened to trade for a bit and coincidentally was around when someone was selling.

Mostly I'm just meat farming at the moment. I'm also selling a bunch of Hobopolis consumables I've been storing. My next goal is the fairy-worn boots for the Pair of Stomping Boots. I might be able to gather enough (approximately 15.2 million) to purchase one before Crimbo. Or if a similar familiar comes out, I could get that? I don't think the boots are extremely expensive anyway, so it's unlikely Jick will release a similarly functioning familiar.

Friday, May 02, 2014

KOL Journal (05/02/2014)

Other than Halloween, for the next two weeks until the new challenge path season, I have made a list of things to do. Not ascending yet, though.

old content:

astral mushroom great trip

tiny bottle of absinthe
9-7 turns left rogue windmill - restrooms
5-4 turns left stately pleasure dome - side tunnels
1 turn left mouldering mansion - descend

agua de vida quest

Spring Break Beach

Note: I cleared out a couple of things, but it looks like the ticket to get to the May IOTM area will be quite expensive for a long time since it costs 100 beach bucks and they're apparently a bit hard to get.

If the new challenge path is not interesting enough...

In order of preference, and all in softcore:

Zombie Slayer
Avatar of Boris
Bugbear Invasion

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

KOL Journal (04/30/2014)

Run 51 is a BIG! run to pick up the level 15 stuff for the AT. Also, the new May IOTM looks like a content thing with possible skills to perm? Info is still sketchy and the ticket from the IOTM will be expensive for some time.

I guess I'll take a break from ascending. I'll go through some old stuff. And meat farm.

I have to make a list of content to peruse while on break.

astral mushroom
tiny bottle of absinthe
llama lama gong
agua de vida
devilish folio
grimstone mask

later ascending:

Zombie Slayer - I do have the bear arms, so it could be interesting
Avatar of Boris
Bugbear Invasion

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

KOL Journal (04/22/2014)

I'm passively doing hardcore runs, because it's easy for me to do them in 4 days. I have heard it's apparently easy to do them in 3 days, but I don't want to take the time to figure out how that happens, so I'll lazily do these 4 days.

I'm stopping at my 50th run (this is the 49th run).

What usually happens over the four days:

Level 2-8
Ballroom unlock
Spooky Forest unlock

Level 9-10
star key, star hat, star crossbow
daily dungeon, dungeons of doom, wand

I sometimes start level 11 on Day 2.

Level 11-most of 12
12 is Flyers, Junkyard, Orchard, frat side
collect stair items

Rest of 12
digital key
Level 13 (with side trips if I don't have an item)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

KOL Journal (04/15/2014)

Doing a couple of Hardcore runs, which means a change in motorcycle upgrades. I have to get the seat upgrade, and I seem to be overlevelling since it takes longer to collect stuff. Therefore, I get the rockets upgrade instead of the stats one.

I ran out of skills to buy this run by level 10. It's really going to be better and better. I cannot believe even hardcore is easy. 

I'm not even perming anything right now. I will stop for Halloween. Then I'll collect some new skills or do some other things I've been meaning to do.

Well... actually, since Flight Rising opened registration yesterday, I'm there instead. Ha. In some ways it's better than KOL. It's like dragon Neopets (at least, the way I remember Neopets, 10 years ago.) 

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

KOL Journal (04/08/2014)

I chained 5 3-day runs, but since I start the first day on the third day of the previous run, it's more like I did 5 2-day runs. That is too tiring, so I ascended into a hardcore AoSP. Since I started with 16 points, I basically finished most of the first 2 paths. Obviously I have to do without the warscarf, which I always pull every run. I just left the +3 elemental resistance thing on from the check mirror skill. I basically didn't turn on much monster level because I am too lazy to do that. And I had to get the MP/HP regen thing from the motorcycle earlier.

So for day 2, I'll probably get the liver, and finish some quests. And I guess I can try to get stairs stuff. And since I have to get 2 extra keys... I'll have to do the dungeon at least once, and maybe get the wand? I dunno. I'm not going to have a lot of turns anyway.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

KOL Journal (04/01/2014)

I managed to get a 3 day done, and I'm trying to get another one done just to see if I can. I'm making good progress on the 2nd day, as I'm done the Spookyraven part and I'm done the annoying part of the hidden city - the shamans. I'm also half way to level 12, so maybe I can put off killing bosses until I get there. I already killed Lord Spookyraven, so I guess the rest of them I'd have to save for flyering. So that's the Palindome boss, Ed, and the spirit from the hidden city. I might be able to flyer others if I manage to level up before I finish the level 11 quest. And if I still have flyering to do, I could flyer the junkyard. I'd rather not have to set up bees unless I have to, and that'll be gone in the future anyway. I'm going to have to cut it out of the strategy soon.

(Note: Use some skeletons next time in the hidden city, get +50% combat initiative instead of the buoyant tank because I'd actually use that all the time)

Right now, I'm thinking about getting a snow machine for next time since I do have a garden. However, I still need to balance levelling with speeding up quests, so I might not get one since it would have limited use without an actual Winter Garden. Mostly it would be the snow cleats, and I already have tons of -CF with muffled alone. In the future, I would have brood so it would definitely be no problem. I don't think I'd ever switch to unmuffled because I don't need to boost CF very often and as long as I finish within 3 days I'm pretty happy with runs.

I'm going to try to remember to use the VIP buffs to increase stat gains as much as possible. In general, I'm not using all the resources I have available (mostly because I'm too lazy to be that careful).

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

KOL Journal (03/25/2014)

Recently, I've been seeing a couple of posts on the boards about doing budgetcore (and I guess softcore) runs. Mostly, I think that there are just lots of strategies and that most people do their research for their specific situation, whether they have any IOTMs or faxing or whatever skills or for specific challenge paths. Generally, the advice is Smith's Tome, fax, spleen familiar, and of course, normal turn cutting like decreasing combat frequency.

I've never been able to cut a run down to 3 days, currently I go over by about 30 turns into day 4 starting with 8 + 1 points. I suspect this is because I have a couple large holes in my current technique that waste turns. AoSP seems to be cheaper than normal, but it requires set up to be comfortable.

I haven't done a fully worked up run log for a long time to analyze these holes, but generally:

1. I need to cut down the time to get a digital key, though likely I will have to pull a crackpot mystic jar.

2. Level 11 and 12 still take such a long time I need to be in the middle of level 11 by day 2, if I wanted to have a chance of getting a 3 day run.

3. Related to 2, I need to generate more turns per day, or cut more turns. This may be extremely solved by doing about 15 more runs and starting with 25 points, switching to using unmuffled etc.

4. I need to manage ML better (i.e. not die).

5. Trying to flip between hate for incite riot and love for snap fingers etc is annoying, and I suspect this would be alleviated by either timing when I'm at 30 hate (no jacket, of course) for "safe" regions and using jukebox to turn the scale back at opportune moments.

I'm not sure what the next challenge path might be, but I'll try to squeeze in 10 more runs before Halloween on May 5. I probably won't excessively try to get it down to 3 days.  I think I would only be able to squeeze in about 12-13 more runs in the season, which is 1100 extra karma. I might just continue to do those runs because they are so comfortable (with a moderate starting skill amount) that it's pretty insane.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

KOL Journal (03/23/2014) after rollover

So let's see what else I have to do for tomorrow:

Rest of Level 11
Level 12 (skip nuns and ducks because it won't save many turns)
Level 13
digital key 
star key
set up ballroom

Possible Pull List
borrowed time
wrecked generators
2 violent pastilles
dungeon gauntlet
irresistibility potion
large box
star hat
star crossbow
possibly 2 gate items
possibly 5 stairs items
wet stew

Looks like it will be again impossible to finish in 3 days. Level 11 takes forever (~150 adventures), Level 12 will take a while too (~100 adventures). And I also have to get the star and digital keys, and level up enough to get to level 13. 

KOL Journal (03/23/2014)

So yesterday I started my 10th AoSP run. I give up on doing the rebel path until I start with 15 points or something.

Currently, I'm a third into level 8. I didn't finish the level 7 cyrpt quest yet, but I skipped most of the mountain quest and finished off Groar with +5 all elemental resistance using check mirror and the warscarf.

Today after rollover:

Level 7 cyrpt
Level 9 and 10
Part of level 11?

Unlock hidden temple
Get killing jar
digital key
star key

I doubt I can finish in 3 days unless I get far into level 11 today...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

KOL Journal (03/19/2014)

I don't remember much about Day 2, so I must not have messed up too much.

For Day 3, the Hidden Temple gave me trouble, and I accidentally used Jukebox before I got to 29 Hate to use Incite Riot. The useful bits of that are the ashes, mostly. I wish I could just choose to get 3 ashes instead of 1 of each type. I survived before without a banisher, so it's not that useful to me since if I use it, I end up needing to level in some other place anyway.

I think I died a bunch of times, so those were wasted. I did manage to almost finish the level 11 quest and I'm almost at level 12 now.

My mistake this round was to not get Easy Riding as fast as possible, as the 5 extra stats from that is really a lot, especially compounded over time.

Next time, I will start with 9 points (8 from runs and 1 from level 1). Then if I do my normal thing and get to level 3 with dream jars, I will have 11 points at the beginning.

My plan for next time is to go to 6 in the Motorcycle Guy path (to get Easy Riding) and then to 5 in the Loveable Rogue path (to get Snap Fingers).
4 - Shake it Off
5 - Check Hair
6 - Cocktail Magic
7 - Check Mirror
8 - Riding Tall
9 - Biker Swagger
10 - Make Friends
11 - Natural Dancer
12 - Flash Headlight
13 - I guess Insult since it's the only one left.

Perhaps in 3 ascensions, I will go back to the Dangerous Rebel path. I probably won't do unmuffled ever since I seem to have more pulls than I know what to do with every run now.

Monday, March 17, 2014

KOL Journal (03/17/2014)

So I finished the last jar sword, and avoided spending 775,000 meat. I got a sharp tin strip, so I zapped it to get the goblin collarbone.

I bought 6 wrecked generators, so I think I should have about 6 runs total, since I use about 2 wrecked generators per run.

For my 8th run, here's my analysis for Day 1.

Friday, March 14, 2014

KOL Journal (03/14/2014)

Pretty strangely, the price of the goblin collarbone has surged, so I guess I won't be getting that through the mall. The three bits are zappable, but the sharp tin strip is still 775K at the moment.

Maybe I should do a HC AoSP next, but I'm afraid that will take a really long time (as in more than 8 days) I suppose it's OK not to pull things... but I would really miss having the warscarf.

Nah... I guess I'll keep doing softcore for a long time yet.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

KOL Journal (03/13/2014)

So I can do four day AoSP, which is pretty relaxed. I might be able to do a 3 day BIG! run, with all the skills I've permed.

Usually, the schedule is like this:

Day 1:
Level 2-6 quests finished.
Get liver.
Open ballroom (I skip the ballroom song now, since the muffled skill is powerful enough.)
Open Hidden Temple.
Start Level 7 cyrpt quest.
Get 5 skeletons from garden.
Semi-rare is guard outfit.
Get UV compass.

Day 2:
Level 7-9 quests finished.
Start Level 10 castle quest.
Get 5 skeletons from garden, use 7 to get skiff.
Finish pirates part.
Get killing jar.
Set up guy made of bees.
Semi-rare is the eyedrops from the haunted library.

Day 3:
Level 10-11 quests finished.
Get the star key and digital key (using jar of psychoses).
Semi-rare is inhaler.
Start Level 12 island quest.

Day 4:
Finish Level 12-13 quests.
Peel out on stairs monsters and pull the ones I don't happen to have.
Pull Jeans of Loathing so I survive the last 3 bosses.

Friday, March 07, 2014

KOL Journal (03/07/2014)

Well, what's the next skill I should perm? (a.k.a. skill I can't use)

Saucemaven? LTS? Astral Shell?

Anyway, ~10 more ascensions to go until I clear my skill list. Then I can pick off other ones (like Splattersmash).

I'm trying to restrict my Wrecked Generator use during AoSP runs, but I kind of need both the stats and the adventures.

I'll change my motorcycle upgrade list:

Level 2 - Cowling: Sweepy Red Light - I always need stats the entire run.
Level 4 - Muffler: Extra-Quiet Muffler - Rev Engine grants muffled (I don't want to use unmuffled, I pull + combat frequency stuff)
Level 6 - Gas Tank: Nitro-Burnin' Funny Tank - + 50% combat initiative
Level 8 - Tires: Snow Tires - skip most of the Peak, but still need the cold resistance. I mostly just want to skip getting the ore and goat cheese and the yetis. If I had better ML sources, like the biker swagger skill, I might want the racing slicks to have 30 total peel outs instead...
Level 10 - Headlight: Blacklight Bulb - +2% desert exploration
Level 12 - Seat: Deep-Seat Cushions - Massage Seat - regenerate 5-6 HP/MP after combat

I'm currently having trouble finishing off the Avatar of Jarlsberg at the end of the run, so I guess I'll pull the jeans of loathing or the sea scrub shirt before that.

In terms of things that it is possible to do early, I pretty much have to unlock the hidden temple and ballroom early because I need to grind stats at various times. I guess the next thing I have to do is set up the bee guy in the bathroom, which I won't be able to do in the future when they remove that exploit. I suppose this just means I have to ascend as much as possible before then, which is likely a few weeks to a few months away.

I seem to always forget to let the accountant out of the ice house after I finish meat farming, but at least I can still do it after ascending.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

KOL Journal (03/02/2014)

I took a short break from ascending to hold the pool table. I got to a winning streak of 77. (Super lucky)

I totally forgot that I ascended close to rollover, but I finished in the same time as normal.

It's been hella boring, but I will continue doing AoSP and perming random stuff until I either run out of skills to perm or the AoSP season ends. So that's like 11 more times.

Halloween is in 64 days, on May 5, so I should have enough time (5 days * 11  = 55 days)

I have to update the palindrome section of my walkthrough, since it's changed.

Stuff to get:
Dungeon Fist Gauntlet for combat frequency

Possible pulls:
2 celestial au jus
2 violent pastilles
frat warrior fatigues x3
natty ascot
2 inhalers
large box
other 2 gate stuff
star hat
star crossbow
black kettle drum
stolen accordion
3 red pixel potions

17 of the stairs items

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

KOL Journal (02/25/2014)

I ascended again as an AoSP.

I've got three skill points to spend at the beginning now.

I was able to get to level 8 this time, get liver, and finish most of the cyrpt.
Temple is open.
Ballroom song finished (I was considering skipping it, but since it's still part of the mysterious island quest, and since I had peel out, I just ran away from the enemies way above my level, since I don't have snap fingers yet)

Because last time I still had problems with stats, this time I got more of the stat giving things. For the motorcycle, I got the +5 stats per fight, and also the skill Easy Riding, for 5 more moxie stats per fight. I pulled the carnivore button and had +25 ML for the cyrpt mostly.

I went down the motorcycle path before the rogue path, so I didn't have the item drop stuff for the liver parts. Somehow, I made do with Legendary Beat.

I used to pull my outfits, but now I'm just pulling them if they fail to drop after a while. It is really improving my pulls to the point that I have room to think about what I need to pull for the next day.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Dreadsylvania HM plans

UKS - get capacitor (I guess the shield or the leg too)
get splattersmash (seal clubber + sauceror)

1. Dread Tarragon - woods-cabin-kitchen-spice rack
2. Bone Flour with old dry bone (150K in mall) - Muscle class - woods-cabin-kitchen-flour mill
3. Dreadful Roast - castle-hall-dining room-grab roast
4. Stinking Agaricus- castle-dungeon-guardroom-choice bits
5. Bake - Mysticality Class- estate-servant's quarters-make pie

I probably could do this without a rage gland. I don't know what the actual damage cap is per round, but hopefully I can stack enough passive damage sources and familiar weight increasers. Apparently, it's easier than it looks. My only other initial expense is a headgnawer. My plan is to do it as an approximately level 18 pastamancer. I've got 3 of the ingredients, and I think the dreadful roast is pretty cheap anyway.

ZHA - for HOA regulation book
weedy skirt (hall-ballroom-trip the light fantastic with muddy skirt equipped and seed pod in inventory)
as normal, turn off any non-group damage sources
boost muscle (3000?) and use splattersmash
use shard of double-ice

Drink bloody kiwitini
blood kiwi - base of tallest tree with muscle class stomper
eau de mort - master suite in old duke's estate
make - unlock lab in tower, use still as moxie class

Temporary blindness from white lightning
remove effect using dreadsylvanian seed pod

1. “Spin” -> hide in rock
2. “Paw” -> dive in puddle
3. “Shuffle” -> hide in tree

get volc-eruption (maybe shrap?)
use snow mobile

Protects-Your-Junk - no spooky curses -> for selling ghost threads? for possible Count Drunkula Hard Mode?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

KOL Journal (02/20/2014 after rollover)

To Do List for Day 3:
Finish castle quest.
Try to get through the macguffin quest.
Collect instruments for the tower.
Try to get a chaos butterfly.
Get the inhaler semi-rare.

Possible pull list:
2 stone wool
wet stew and stunt nuts
3 frat warrior outfit parts
jar of psychoses

If there is time:
Unlock star area.
Get digital key. (pull jar of psychoses)

KOL Journal (02/20/2014)

So, I decided to ascend into another sneaky pete run. I revised my strategy from last time.

The muffler upgrade is apparently -15% combat frequency. That is crazy. Depending on pull availability, I might get the +15% combat frequency skill... But probably not.
This run's motorcycle is named Mutemaster. Run 1 was Noisemaster.
No points spent in the Dangerous Rebel skill pathway
Took the +50% initiative upgrade
Took the rocket shooting upgrade (as an extra damage source)
Pulled the CARNIVORE button early and tried to boost ML as much as possible
I was able to get Jukebox earlier, and used it to get the imp airs (I had to pull one, though)
I didn't have to pull a borrowed time. I pulled 3 Wrecked Generators.
I'm level 7 and a little bit into the cyrpt quest.
Hidden Temple unlocked.
Ballroom song ready.
Have U.V. compass.

2 pulls for the Jarlsberg KLP and the milk of magnesium.
Eat fortune cookie to mark the semi-rare for the black eyedrops.
Pull ring of conflict.

Unlock island with skeleton skiff. If there is still legendary beat turns left after using it for the cyrpt area, use it for pirates. Possible Jukebox area. I might pull the 2 other parts of the pirate outfit.

Finish Cyrpt. I don't have the ghost vacuum, but I'm more than willing to exchange it for rockets attacking all opponents.

I'll probably get to the peak, and at that point get the upgrade to skip most of it. 3 pulls for the extreme gear.

Level 9 quest: Pull pants of the slug lord for +2 stench resistance, I have lots of combat initiative, I already pulled the bounty helmet, and the friars are open for the food drops buff.

If I need to level up:
set up Guy made of Bees for flyering. I'm running out of things like that to set up...

I'll have to speed through a bunch (like 10 maybe) of these ascensions before they revamp the whole Spookyraven thing, since I might not be able to set up the ballroom on the first day any more.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

AoSP Plans

In terms of expense, Avatar of Sneaky Pete is not so bad. I may or may not stock lots of Wrecked Generators or other equivalent drinks to pull.

Perm List:

Seal Clubber - Pulverize
Pastamancer - Stuffed Mortar Shell
Pastamancer - Flavour of Magic
Turtle Tamer - Empathy of the Newt
Sauceror - Saucemaven
Turtle Tamer - Astral Shell
Turtle Tamer - The Long View

no familiar = no ittah bittah hookah pull, also no need to boost familiar weight for Sorceress's Familiars
-3 pulls for ore
-1 pull for Wand of Nagamar
very high non-combat frequency increaser
small stomach - using this for the 2 key pies, maybe 1 star key lime pie, digital key to get in run
get astral shirt
astral pilsners instead of astral energy drinks? Maybe after 3-4 runs, until there are enough points to put into the incite riot/jump shark skills.
+many pulls for clovers until I can get extra moxie stats.
use the jukebox +300% skill carefully

Motorcycle upgrades (in order of priority):

Gas Tank: Nitro-Burnin' Funny Tank - + 50% combat initative
Muffler: Extra-Quiet Muffler - Rev Engine grants muffled, switch to extra-loud when brood is accessible
Tires: Snow Tires - skip most of the Peak, but still need the cold resistance.
Headlight: Blacklight Bulb - +2% desert exploration
Cowling: This one is difficult to decide because all three are useful.
Rocket Launcher - extra hippy and frat killing or Sweepy Red Light - +5 stats per fight or Ghost Vacuum - 1 extra beep per combat in the cyrpt. I think that maybe you don't want to speed this up since you need the stats so badly.
Seat: Deep-Seat Cushions - Find 20-30 meat after combat or Massage Seat - regenerate 5-6 HP/MP after combat


Snap Fingers (5 in Rogue) stun
Shake it Off (6 in Rogue) remove negative status effects, heal full HP
Make Friends (9 in Rogue)  olfaction

Rowdy Drinker (4 in Motorcycle Guy) - passive ode to booze
Peel Out (5 in Motorcycle Guy) - 10 free runaways
Easy Riding (6 in Motorcycle Guy) +5 moxie stats per fight
Check Mirror (7 in Motorcycle Guy) has a hairstyle that is +50% meat and one that is +3 elemental resistance to all)

Incite Riot (3 in Rebel) has spleen items, combat items, and a combat frequency decreaser, based on audience hate
Jump Shark (4 in Rebel) +10 Hate, substats
Hard Drinker (7 in Rebel) +10 liver
Brood (9 in Rebel) some decrease in combat frequency

Sunday, February 16, 2014

KOL Journal (02/16/2014)

OK, so I've just started the level 11 quest, but I had to use a bunch of clovers to do it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about not having enough space to eat more than one pie per day, but I might just do one star and one digital KLP.

Also, I was a dummy and didn't realize that having snow tires allows for skipping of the ore/cheese thing.
There doesn't seem to be a shortcut for the level 9 or 10 quest for this path. The ghost vacuum seems to damage anything undead, not just enemies in the crypt. It also does passive damage against the ghosts of A-boo Peak.

I think for the first few low skill runs, it's better to get the motorbike outfitted with stuff that decreases quest time, at least until you can get the 10 point skills easier. It's going to be a bit annoying for a couple runs if I only get 1 point per softcore ascension.

I can actually kill things with catchphrase and snap fingers, but it's not easy. I was trying to raise ML to level up, but it is still hard to level properly.

Friday, February 14, 2014

KOL Journal (02/14/2014)

New challenge path today!

So, the problems I had with this path are:

Stat gaining
It was hard to get to level 6. I'm almost at level 7 now.

No item drop skill yet
I had one adventure left but I managed to get the liver.

Motorcycle choices (I named it Noisemaster)
I think I messed this up. Next time... It seems to add stuff every 2 levels.

Teeny stomach
Fullness is 5. I think Drunkeness is 19 (+5 from liver), though. I am going to run out of Wrecked Generators, so I might have to spend some accumulated meat.

Level 2-6
Spooky Forest non-coms for temple
Ballroom song

It was OK, surprisingly. That's pretty good for first day. I think this will take me much longer because I only have a few points at the start since this is the first day the path's been out. It's really fun, though. I like that the council text changes. Also, I see on the skill list that you can have different hairstyles. This is also the first run I'll have the bone garden (no fax, so I guess I'll skip lobster guys)

Monday, February 10, 2014

KOL Journal (02/10/2014)

So for the last couple of days, I've been doing bounties and the jar for the Captain of the Gourd, though I haven't had any luck with getting the last part (or any of the others). Most of my other adventures were spent helping with a Hobopolis run and meat farming in the Hidden Office Building.

Recently, I also liquidated 3 of the frozen banquets and about 325 scrumptious reagents, so I'm good for meat at the moment. I also won a Pete and Jackie's Tooth Emporium Catalog, which I will use to save a couple of adventures during runs. I'm saving the other 2 frozen banquets for an emergency/Crimbo.

I was going to keep doing Sea runs until I made another Hatred and Violence set, but I don't know what to feel about spending approximately 2.4 million meat on 12 Sea runs. That, and I'm tired of doing them. Maybe at a later time.

Since I'm passively collecting hobo nickels, I might go for the hobo monkey if the AofSP path doesn't look very fun or whatever.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

KOL Journal (02/06/2014)

I surprisingly got another (and different) bit of the Truthsayer today.

New minimal meat making strategy:

I have:
leprechaun (maybe I should get a hobo monkey, but 1000 nickels is a bit much)
Clothing of Loathing (which is pretty good for meat drop, but a meatcleaver might be a little better if I replace the stick-knife)
Cloak of Dire Shadows
Leash of Linguini

I put on all the cheap +meat drop stuff also, like the summon, the arena buff, and the Dances with Tweedles buff from the drink me potion area. And I use leash of linguini.

I olfact pygmy headhunters in the hidden office building and also use all the briefcases, and autosell the fat stacks of cash. Without the extra buffs, it's about 1050 MPA. Not too bad, and not controlled by mall prices.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

KOL Journal (02/05/2014)

I did my normal things today, like bounties and the gourd jar. I actually got one piece of the sword to drop.

I also pasted all my hatred and violence clothing together and defeated Dad Sea Monkee. I should have enough karma to perm those 2 skills too.

My mistakes on that Sea run happen to include forgetting to use my used copy of Kansas Toymaker to get Toynado and getting creamed by the 14th enemy in the colosseum at least five times. I am happy to report that the minimum amount of mysticality and muscle needed to equip the clothing of loathing is enough to beat Dad. My moxie was higher as I'm an AT, but I'm not sure how important that is.

Tomorrow is meat farming day.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

KOL Journal (02/04/2014)

OK, so yesterday I stocked up on the KLPs, moon pies and wrecked generators. I still haven't got anything from the gourd jar, and I don't want to spend meat on raising item drop and stuff... But I suppose I have to do that or buy the components from the mall.

The prices for the grimstone mask are still fluctuating between 60-75,000 meat. I'm probably going to get one if it dips down to around 50K, and try to get first on the leaderboard as the price is still slightly distasteful so hopefully that limits the amount of people trying to get the prizes.

Edit: I don't think I can get first on the leaderboard for Wickedest Stepmothers, since I'd have to plot out the Prince's Ball properly and figure out how to do it. That would be pretty expensive. So I will hold off - I did try it out and it was a lot of fun. The problem is that once the whole thing is figured out, then it will be a long wait to get the silver cow creamer, since every day only one person can get one. Err... I dunno. I suppose the story is reward enough.

Huh, let's see if this stuff is any good. Prizes and other things.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

KOL Journal (02/02/2014)

So I did actually finish today, so I don't have to redact my statement that you can fall asleep and finish an AT CA2 run in 4 days.

I guess I don't need to do a sauceror run right away since I'm perming the other hobo skills this time and after that I don't need to do anything.

I'll just be in aftercore until the next path comes out. I don't know whether I'll do it or not.

To Do List:
1) Replenish Wrecked Generators and Moon Pies.
2) Replenish KLPs.
3) Bounties
4) billiards room semi-rare
5) Get bits of Truthsayer (but I think that will take forever)
6) Maybe Dreads
7) Collect random things for ascensions.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

KOL Journal (02/01/2014)

I'm watching the prices of the grimstone masks go down very slowly. They're 65K today in the mall. I'll definitely have to do the Cinderella one. If I could stay in a run for an extended amount of time, getting the spinning wheel might be worth it. Also, I want a silver cow creamer for getting the highest place for someone who doesn't have it yet on the Wickedest Stepmother's leaderboard. I think max score for that is 31 at the moment.

I think by the time the price goes down to a level where I can justify trying multiple times, enough people should have the special items that I should have a shot at it.

Sometimes I try to listen to the podcasts but about 75% of it is useless stuff. Or possibly offensive stuff. It's OK as background noise.

After rollover is day 3 of my AT run, which hasn't been going as well as I'd hoped. If I'm lucky, I'll finish the cyrpt quest, twin peak and oil peak, and the castle quest today. And maybe be a little into the macguffin one.

After rollover:
I finished way more than I thought of the macguffin quest, but I totally had a levelling problem since I didn't boost ML very much. I was trying to get to level 12, and I got there just before I ran out of turns. So tomorrow I'll finish opening the island and flyering all the bosses from the level 11 quest. And hopefully get really far on the level 12 quest. I might finish, maybe. I think I'll probably miss by a little bit this time though.

Friday, January 31, 2014

KOL Journal (01/31/2014)

? I forget what I've written down to do. Anyway, of course I finished the run today.

*checks past entries* I've gotten to the end of the list I had previously.

Aftercore To Do:
make or buy pies
wrecked generators or moon pies supply
have skills you want to perm
get facsimile dictionary for selling

New list:
This run - perm cold-blooded fearlessness and 3 120 MP hobo skills
AT - CA2 - perm the other 2 120 MP hobopolis skills
S - CA2 - fight dad


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

KOL Journal (01/29/2014)

I almost ran out of time before rollover today. I skipped Halloween this time, but hopefully next time I can get the peppermints and the silent beret.

During today's turns, I almost finished the island. I'm at the duck farm at the moment. I've pulled some of the things I need tomorrow and should finish with turns left over.

I have to rewrite my walkthrough and cut out a lot of things.

Semi-rare list:
black eyedrops from the library - for spooky resistance
inhaler from top floor of castle - meat drops
knob goblin guard outfit - barracks or kitchen
lunchbox - outskirts
temple - stone wool

Monday, January 27, 2014

KOL Journal (01/27/2014)

I'll note the stuff I still have to do for this run:

Forecastle to poop deck
Twin Peak Combat Initiative choice
Level 10 Airship/Castle
Level 11 Ballroom, Palindrome, Hidden City, Desert, Pyramid
 -unlocked Hidden Temple, Ballroom is ready
Level 12
Level 13
 -2 digital KLP, 2 star KLP, 1 Sneaky Pete KLP left

Sunday, January 26, 2014

KOL Journal (01/26/2014)

I'm out of ronin again. I finally got the magical battery, so I only have one sword left to get. I'm taking a break from the sea this run. I was busy the last couple of days, and nothing particularly new happened in my sauceror run, so I didn't write anything.

I'm not doing anything interesting today, so I'll make some notes here about the different classes in CA2, and other things which I found useful.

Friday, January 24, 2014

KOL Journal (01/23/2014)

I kind of forget what I did yesterday, but I think I'm a little further ahead than I was the last time I did a sauceror CAII run, which was in November.

I just started with Oil Peak and reached level 10. The island is open, and I have the forecastle open. I think I should fight a couple lobster dudes before I unlock the quest actually, or this is going to be really annoying.

Anyway... I don't feel well. I probably can't run anything until late tomorrow afternoon because I'm going to a thing that feels like execution or torture.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

KOL Journal (01/22/2014)

So, today I tried for the magical battery, but I guess I'll have to do another ascension and try again. I'm a little bored... I also did the sea on the scholar path, which was actually cheaper... then again, I didn't buy fish juice boxes this time, so I saved there.

This time, I got fishy by:
fishy paste x3
fishy pipe
5 fish meat with warm belly
1 beef nigiri with warm belly

I also tried to get the semi-rare for fishy but it failed.

I think I'll ascend. But I'm busy for the next few days, so I'll do a regular CA2 sauceror run and probably take a while, unfortunately.

Edit: I ascended as a sauceror. MP is no problem, but it's difficult without extra combat frequency modifiers. I resorted to pulling the imp airs after they wouldn't drop for me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

KOL Journal (01/21/2014)

I barely managed to finish.

I didn't pull any tomb ratchets, and just used Silent Running from the VIP room pool to get the non-combats in the middle chamber.

I faxed a lobsterfrogman, used a 4-d camera I'd pulled yesterday, and also pulled an irresistibility potion. At the end, I got 3 of them in a row. I lucked out in the orchard too and finished quickly.

I was killed by my shadow and the second form of the NS (because I'd forgotten to heal before starting the first one). My last pull was a dream jar to finish the last battle. For this time, I wrote out all the pulls I could possibly need, so I knew I had space to pull a wrecked generator. And I lucked out on the gates and the stairs and had a few of the items there.

I'm out of turns, so I have to finish the Sea and try for the magical battery again tomorrow. But I finished ahead of schedule, so that's very good. The hookah is useful sometimes... I guess. At least it can boost familiar weight all the time.

Get 3 more Wrecked Generators
Suspicious Guy Jar
Sea (possibly use semi-rare to get fishy)

Monday, January 20, 2014

KOL Journal (01/20/2014)

Hidden City


I messed up a few times today. I got the wrong semi-rare, I forgot to flyer the desert at the beginning, I pulled an extra Sneaky Pete's key lime pie, I forgot to use a milk of magnesium... Lots of things.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

KOL Journal (01/19/2014)

Let's see... What did I do again?

Boss bat, which I thought I had done yesterday, but I hadn't
Got first hidden temple non-combat
Twin Peak and Oil Peak
To ground floor of the castle

Get the eyedrops to do a-boo peak
finish castle
pirates all the way to the poop deck

Positives for this and the last run I noticed:
I am dying way less
I can get the liver on day 1 consistently (even if I have to pull a borrowed time)
Five days is pretty much my minimum if I'm not careful or don't have a lot of combat frequency modifiers

Saturday, January 18, 2014

KOL Journal (01/18/2014)

Um... I defeated Mayor Ghost in Dreads, then wasted the rest of my turns on the extreme slope.

And then ascended again as a seal clubber.

Friday, January 17, 2014

KOL Journal (01/17/2014)

Day 5

KOL Journal (01/16/2014)

I get silent running on! Yay for lower combat frequency!

I think I forgot to mention it on my other entries, but my favourite pasta thralls are the Vampieroghi, which heals you, and the Angel Hair Wisp, which increases combat initiative and blocks enemies. I don't really need the MP restoring one, since I have the warscarf (which is oddly a part of every ascension strategy now).

Day 4:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

KOL Journal (01/14/2014)

Day 2

KOL Journal (01/13/2014)

I finally got the sword in the steak, but had to use 374 tatters, some of which I had left over from yesterday and the rest I bought. In total, it's probably around 500 tatters and a bunch of jars. I'm out about 250K, but now I've only got 2 swords left to get. I burned the rest of my turns today in Dreadsylvania.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

KOL Journal (01/12/2014)

I didn't do anything interesting today. I again failed to get the magical battery for the White Dragon Fang, which is going for 4.5 million in the mall. I'm keeping the tatters I've farmed today to use to try to get the Meatcleaver tomorrow, since it's getting really annoying to get. I hope I get lucky.

I'm all prepped for a new run tomorrow. But it's still so tedious. What I might do after my list is done is gather karma and perm all the 120 MP Hobopolis skills via AoJ runs while at the same time collecting more Sea clothing.

I'm also a third of the way to 100 lucre for the puppy. Agh.... Maybe I should keep a detailed log for the Pasta run to my utter embarrassment. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

KOL Journal (01/11/2014)

I finished the run and also the Sea, and this time I remembered to use the pulled blue taffy and the sea lassos at the beginning. I had to buff quite a bit to make it easy, but they are the normal buff items (the reagent potions).

I tried to get the Meatcleaver again, but it isn't working for me yet. At this rate, it might take me 20 times before I can finally get that non-combat.

I'm going to stay in this run for one more day to try to get the White Dragon Fang again.

Next run might be BIG! again, though pastamancer might be a bit easier to do the CA2 run on because of the pasta guardians.

Friday, January 10, 2014

KOL Journal (01/10/2014)

Actually, I finished both the island and the rest of the MacGuffin quest. I at least finished the bridge to the peaks, and there's 12% spookiness left on A-Boo Peak. I should be done by tomorrow barring any catastrophes.

I forgot what other crap I was going to do this run other than the Sea. I don't think there's anything else. According to my list, I am only perming one skill this run (Nimble Fingers), so I'll have 200 left over.

Current plans for the next runs are:

Not sure if I'll do BIG runs or CA2 at the moment.

Pastamancer - Perm Leash of Linguini  
Seal Clubber - Perm Pride of the Puffin and Northern Exposure
Sauceror -  Perm Diminished Gag Reflex
Turtle Tamer - Perm Cold-Blooded Fearlessness

And then after that, maybe the new avatar path, if that's really what the next challenge path is.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

KOL Journal (01/09/2014)


Icy Peak
Hidden City



I think I'm still making fair progress on this run, even though I'm not being careful. That's mostly due to having a bunch of combat frequency modifiers and not having to level at all. I pulled lots of outfits and other things. I think I'll put off the peaks until I finish the island because I forgot to buy the dictionary and it's not accessible at the moment due to the war.

I am stupidly bored again. I'm not sure I'll do CA2 runs again, though it does save a bit of meat when buying all the skills I want to perm. Mostly I'm just rolling about because there's nothing interesting to do.

Finish Palindrome
Finish Spookyraven cellar
Finish Desert and Pyramid


Finish Island

or some combination of the two.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

KOL Journal (01/08/2014)

So, today I did the entire nemesis quest, which took a lot longer than I thought. I decided to do a BIG run this time, because CA2 is getting really boring and I want to take a break. Therefore, I won't get the extra karma from finishing off the sorceress at level 13, so I need to offset that.

I tried to get the magical battery to drop for the White Dragon Fang, and to that end, I equipped 3 rubber gloves, but that didn't seem to help. Next ascension, I guess.

Tatters are too cheap at the moment, so it'll take around a month to rise to 1700 meat or something like that. I don't need meat too much right now due to selling that bow.

For this new disco bandit run, I pulled the ittah bittah hookah, and have access to all the skills that I haven't had access to for the last four ascensions. I put up the - CF song in the ballroom, unlocked the poop deck, got the liver, finished the level 2, 3 and 6 quests, and unlocked the hidden temple. But I'm going to take longer to do this one because I'm tired out and don't want to think too much about it. I'll get the flyer stuff going earlier than normal, but I'm not going to be very careful.

I'm not quite done my turns for this first day, so I might add more tomorrow.


Also, I unlocked the palindrome and have a couple of the things I need from there. And I finished the level 4 boss bat quest, got the diary and the Cobb's Knob key.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

KOL Journal (01/07/2014)

Today, I finished the Sea. I had to buff up muscle and moxie and the last few gladiators gave me trouble again. It's a little bit of luck to get the special attack enough times for each one which won't mess up the rest of the fight. I used a lot of divine noisemakers since it is a lot easier than trying to hit them as a moxie class, even if buffed. The Shub-Jigguwatt fight is way easier compared to those, since there's a very easy and straightforward way to defeat it.

Before going on to Disco Bandit, I got some more wrecked generators and a moon pie. And I finally got the ittah bittah hookah. Today, I tried to get the Meatcleaver again. Tomorrow, I'll spend one more "day" trying to get the White Dragon Fang and selling tatters then ascend into disco bandit. I'll have to figure out whether to pull both Frankly, Mr. Shank (from the Smith's Tome) and the ittah bittah hookah or not.